The 24 Hours of LeMons

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LeMons Buildup 2008_111508_007.JPG by C o l i n.Got a few bucks, an old beater and some free time between Christmas and New Years? Why not drive it in a 24 hour enduro?

The 24 Hours of LeMons is a weekend-long race for cars purchased, fixed up, and track-prepped for total of $500 or less. Each team may also face qualifying rounds such as the Marxist Parking Valet, the Widdling Rottweiler Slalom, and/or the Stoney Bike-Messenger Shooting Gallery. Generally, track racing consists of two endurance sessions, one on Saturday and one on Sunday, with a late-night intermission for sleeping, eating, and Band-Aid application in between. Count on plenty of noise, prizes, water fights, and questionably civilized fun before, during, and after the track sessions. Finally, assuming you’re still standing, there’s the gala awards ceremony which presents trophies, plaques, and winner’s purses paid out in nickels.

The 24 Hours of LeMons

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