Video of the Week: The 2010 DragonBall Run X-perience!

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Following Airgate’s write-up on DBRX, we now would like to share with you a video that was presented to all those that attended the last DBR event. This video was put together by Airgate and is a tribute to the excitement and experience that are a part of the DragonBall Run events. The video contains a montage of pictures, of attendees enjoying the event interspersed with video of the cars running on the Dragon. The video also contains instances of some cars that met with mishaps, a testament to how cruel a mistress the Dragon can be. All of us that could not be a part of this event can now get to see this and experience the amazing DBR event.

There is another video that was put together by another of our member, kalibo, that contains footage of the cars running the Dragon that follows Airgate’s DBRX video. So without further ado, crank up the volume and enjoy our video of the week.

DBRX Presentation Video from Raul Alvarez on Vimeo.

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