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Austblue 08-31-2007 08:56 PM

Today's "run-in"
I was heading up the coast this morning and whilst travelling along the gutter lane which was moving. I watched a car move from the far right lane into the centre (both lanes crawling) and I backed off (~40-50kph) thinking he might be stupid enough to keep crossing into my lane which was flowing fine. Sure enough he did so I had to jam the brakes and abs kicked in and he kept coming so I had to steer into the gutter to miss him.

Now I'm in a 4wd so the world didn't end but I got out of the car as it was an accident and the guy quickly steered back into his lane then tried to bolt. I yelled for him to stop but he just panicked and bolted! I was obviously quite pissed at this point so I checked there was no damage then returned to my car and moved on. I rang the police and they confirmed that it was still an accident even though the cars didn't collide but I'd have to go into a station to file a report.

I continued onto the freeway and saw them again and my g/f motioned for the guy to pull over. So the guy and his wife who are both ~60 years old flipped her off! Now I can picture that perhaps they're afraid we're trying to road rage the but ffs!

I dropped into the police station up in Breresfield (g/f had an appointment nearby) but they weren't there so I've just let it be for now.

There doesn't appear to be any damage so I think I'm just going to put it down to a close call but I'm still annoyed.

Those that have been here a while might recall a similar incident happened when I had the S only it was a deliberate hit and the police did nothing. Another reason I don't feel like spending my saturday chasing an open police station.


AusS2000 08-31-2007 09:08 PM

Sorry to hear it. The senior citizens these days! What is the world coming to?

I can just imagine an old biddy flipping you the bird with her gnarled arthritic finger.

Austblue 08-31-2007 09:19 PM

I actually started laughing when he got his bent bird up to the window :p

I was debating whether he was old enough that I should report it to get him off the road but I think it was just an lazy mistake followed by stupidity/panic.

ninelarge 08-31-2007 10:56 PM

I hear your pain Aust.

One of the funniest "moments" I've had with a couple of senior citizens was when I was actually just trying to cross the road at a zebra crossing. As I made my way on to the crossing, a car approaching from my left decided to gun it so that they wouldn't have to stop for me. Being the smart arse I was, I began to dart across to the other side of the road! The old fella driving shat his pants, stomped on the brakes, skid, then conveniently came to rest across the crossing and right in front of me where I was waiting for him. I looked straight down at him through the window. "It's a zebra crossing - stop next time", I reminded him. His wife (I presume) then proceeded to back-hand him fair and square on the snoz!

It made my morning.


fisting dwarves 09-01-2007 12:51 AM

Blue- I feel your pain man.

I had a very similar incident in '97. Had just spent $37k on a new car, and me being a full-time student that was an insane amount of money. So, this car was my pride and joy. Turning right out of a street, two turn lanes, me in the left; old codger in the right lane turns around the corner at the same time and swings wide, fully into the left lane as he rounds the corner. I avoid the collision by running full up on the gutter (horrendous noises ensue), and he keeps going. I gun it off the gutter and up the street, get in front of him, hit the picks and force him to stop. I get out and go up to his window, and tell him he just ran me off the road. He (and his old biddy wife) deny it. I explain exactly what happened; he denies it again. I ask him for his details; he refuses. I tell him he's got two options: give me his details voluntarily and I'll think about what I'm going to do, or if he refuses I'll go straight to the police station and report him. He refuses again. So, I go to the police- who say that they can't do anything because they didn't see it and it's his word against mine. What crap!!

Now, I explicitly state that the following DID NOT happen, but hypothetically if I managed to get his name and address via his registration details, and if he had a really really well manicured garden, and if I also had access to a horrendously strong herbicide which was outlawed 30 years ago, I may well have given consideration to pouring that shit all over his really really well manicured garden at 3am one morning, destroying the entire ####ing thing and giving the dodgy old bastard something to think about for a good while.



MAD828 09-02-2007 01:10 AM

hahahahahaha, thats is GOLD Fisty! Hypothetically that is.

Blackie 09-05-2007 10:22 PM

Fisty you gotta tell me in private how to get name and address details from a rego plate. Not hypothetically. Really really.

Austblue 09-05-2007 11:18 PM

You have to know someone in the RTA. AFAIK Its not easy for cop mates to give it to you anymore because they're checks get logged and audited.

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