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UNC04SuzukaBlue 11-09-2006 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by s2kmaniac81,Nov 9 2006, 09:28 AM
Theres 2 things you dont talk about thats Religon and Politics!!!

Are those two things different anymore?

MULDER 11-09-2006 06:03 AM

I agree.... I think we should pull out of all foriegn countries and allow love and peace to prevail. All Saddam needed was a big hug and some of our tax money, just like Kim Jong Il (who we have already given a nuclear reactor to, bad idea? Nah...), Osama, ect...

In the meantime we can hike up taxes here because,... and I am only speaking for myself.... I don't think I pay enough. I mean... I can't tell you how many government programs helped me this year like.... like.... um, I am sure I'll think of one.... Anyway, I am just ecstatic and maybe if we pick up a Dem for president I can quite my job, get my barcode and food pellets, buy a new Prius, and then move to Mexico because no one will be there.

And Katie, listening to a bunch of Europians discuss US politics is about as useless as political discussions can get. Three words on that... World War Two. And thankfully, the Brits *back then* had enough sense to do something about it.

OK, ok.. in all honesty... I kinda want a Democrat to win. I will be hating the world and eating Roman noodles but if thats what it takes in order to prove that the Dems have a failing plan and will do nothing but inrage most of America, fine. Sometimes you have to just let people make mistakes in order to teach them where they are wrong. Its been a long time since Democrats learned a lesson and I think it is time they do.

As for Nancy Pelosi, god help us. I remember back in 2002-2003 I was watching c-span late one night and she was on the floor speaking about ANWR. This (aside from listening to ANY Robert Bird speach) was the funniest thing I ever saw happen on the House floor.

She was down there speaking about the horror that would come from drilling ANWR... displaying 4x3 pretty pictures of precious polar bears, pingiuns, cuddly little critters, beautiful fields covered with flowers, and picturest mountails full of wild life..... and she was soooooooooo emotional and upset.

After she sat down the rep from Alaska stood up to speak. Out of the box he said "I don't know what this woman is taking about, but do you want to see that the 1010 area looks like?" he pulled out another 4x3 photo of a flat frozen lifeless tundra with nothing but flat ice and sky insight. He said "This is the exact spot that we want to drill, I don't know what that lady is thinking, this is what this place looks like all year long."

Such a pnwed. Thats was when I knew Pelosi was off her rockers.

rbackhouse 11-09-2006 06:07 AM

Originally Posted by misskatiemo,Nov 9 2006, 09:36 AM
If you're interested, I can def. tell some of my stories from living abroad (UK) during the 2004 presidential election. To say it changed my perspective on a few things is a definite understatement.

heh heh, it's good to get an alternative perspective isn't it :D

s2kmaniac81 11-09-2006 06:09 AM

Originally Posted by UNC04SuzukaBlue,Nov 9 2006, 10:44 AM
Are those two things different anymore?

Should be!

I think personaly since sometimes I lean to the left and sometimes to thr right, that one party that controlls the whole hill is a bad idea. There should be some type of balance in congress, to make things work correctly. I'm not sure who's who in here with there affiliations, but I try to stay in the middle for the most part. There are some subjects I stray to the right with, such as don't flame me Tyler.....gay marriage........ :LOL: just joking, defense, and home land security(even thought I beleive this department as it stands right now is a joke). Then there are times were I stray to the left a little, in issues with civil liberties, and big buisness.

Sometimes I over hear people in the office at the gym where ever, talking about who they are voting for this and that. What gets me is when I over hear someone say "Who are you voting for" and the other person responds "Well, not sure, but I'm dem/rep so I guess that's who I will vote for" :rolleyes: I mean come on vote for your beliefs, not because what it says on your damn voter registration card!!! If this is the case why vote. I have voted in every election I was phyically able to. I have voted one way on some and the other of other's. This last presidental election was, a hard decision to me cause I didn't like what either canidate had to say. I really hated Kerry, but on the other hand I saw what Bush had done in his recent years. I voted for Bush, I stand by my vote to this day, and the reson behind it, was I didn't think we need to change leadship mid-war. This would have spelled disaster for us. I didn't think Kerry had the balls to stand up and fight and finish the war at hand. Anyway all Im saying is when people start picking sides or common sense everybody ends up suffering!!

s2kmaniac81 11-09-2006 06:15 AM

Originally Posted by Mulder ATO,Nov 9 2006, 11:03 AM
buy a new Prius, and then move to Mexico because no one will be there.

And Katie, listening to a bunch of Europians discuss US politics is about as useless as political discussions can get. Three words on that... World War Two. And thankfully, the Brits *back then* had enough sense to do something about it.

Amen, to the utopian...Eurocrap views!

and I like the Prius!!!

misskatiemo 11-09-2006 06:32 AM

Jason - suprisingly enough, the UK knows a hell of a lot more about the workings of the American gov't than most Americans do - granted the concept of the Electoral College was a bit foreign to them, but once explained they understood, def. didn't agree - but understood.

As far as stories, I've got loads. Not all of them were deep philisophical discussions about political theory or strategy, most in fact were about "Why in the world is the public letting GDubya do [insert thing here] - why don't you all stop him?" Overall, the UK is far more in touch with their MP's (their local representatives) than we are, as a nation overall at least.

Now, as far as stories - one jumps to mind.

I don't have a discernable accent to most Americans, and I pick up on other accents quite easily (if I'm around someone with a Southern accent, mine picks up a bit of a twang, same if I'm around my family - who have Bonston-esque accents since they live an hour away). While in the UK I picked up quite the English lilt to my speech, and a lot of the vocabulary (which I still use out of habit, seems to stick around more than the usual American vocab does for some reason). Even still, when I speak with people from the UK or I go to the UK, even for as short as a week, I'm left with a bit of a lilt for the next few weeks/month (espeically if I go over there).

SO, about 4 months into my stay in the UK - right in October, I was working the door at a club. I'd befriended the bouncer as his brother owns a house in Mt. Olive, NC and he had taken to walking in to check on me every 10-15 or so as people had started to be quite agressive with me in the months preceeding the election (started in early Sept, and I got a lot of agression WELL into March for the results as well). There didn't seem to be rhyme or reason to who would make comments or try and start shit, low-class kids, middle-class people, older people, it seemed really random. Luckily, it was just a lot of horrid comments about Americans in general, which was quickly dealt with by telling them that their opinions on hating all Americans for the actions of the gov't was as stupid as me saying I hated Brits for the actions of Blair... people usually saw the logic and shut up, if not apologised. Simple enough. Anyway, my bouncer friend was walking in when this kid walks up to pay me - I told him how much the door tax (entry fee) was, he heard my accent, gave me the money, and when I leaned down to put it in the till (cash register) he grabbed my scarf and yanked me up off my stool so I was standing on the rungs of the stool but bracing myself against the desk in front of me. Before I had knew what happened he starts spouting off a load of shit and pulls a knife on me, threatening to use it. The bouncer by that point had rushed up and gotten the kid to release me in short order, and another bouncer from outside saw everything and came and took his knife.

I was scared SHITLESS, absolutely seething at the audacity of this jackass, and pretended to be Canadian, in hopes of making him feel like a jackass for assuming I was American. I likened my accent to English and Scottish accents, (people get offended if you confuse the two, but to an outsider they usually sound quite similar) bitched him out for his closed-minded and pig-headed views on everything and generally made him feel like a little 2-year old for the next minute or so. He (obviously) was banned from the club, his mates weren't allowed to get in that night (he wasn't allowed back ever for the night I was working, he tried though). I honestly think this ****er would have done something to me if the bouncer(s) weren't right by at the time, the hate and animosity in his eyes was true, not just some jackass kid wanting to scare me.

I know that most people aren't like him, and in fact - he's the only violent one I encountered, however - the amount of comments, questions, and anger I got from a good portion of the rest of the population was more than enough to convince me that our international policies are WAY out of whack... I mean if people in the UK feel THAT strongly and they're supposedly one of our closest allies, no wonder Americans are getting kidnapped, tortured and otherwise treated poorly in other countries of the world - espeically ones we're not close to.

We're such a promising nation and a lot of people DO still look up to us, but the fact that we're beginning to be viewed as an uncontrollabel superpower, whose driving force is monopolization and "evil" in the rest of the world, that's not a label I want.

There's more, but this will be a novel if I keep typing in this post, so there - one story. Let me know if you want more non-violent stories.

Splash 11-09-2006 06:37 AM

Wow. Some very interesting views on here. I would like to agree with the maniac. I try very hard not to listen to the "party line". I try to listen to what people have to say.

While I am an active duty Navy guy, I do get a little nervous when the Dem's get control of the House. I guess we'll see.

RWD_HNDA 11-09-2006 06:38 AM

soooo, let me get this straight....the radicalness of the UK scared you into the far left soo bad that you pretended not to be American?? By the way Islam doesnt like the way we do things either, maybe you should open up to them too...

s2kmaniac81 11-09-2006 06:39 AM

It's a story like this that confirm my belief they know nothing about our government and, should mind their own damn business.

Saki GT 11-09-2006 06:40 AM

dear God, less, words, more pictures!


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