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lig 04-16-2005 07:51 AM

O.K. GWB fans - how 'bout that "war on terror"
The National Counterterroism Center report shows that we are in fact less safe from terrorism than before. Of course that comes as no surprise to those of us that have opposed this boondoggle from the start.

All those destroyed lives. The billions of dollars. An absolute travesty. :(

The news is so bad that our very own government is going to bury it.

All you Bush supporters and hawks - go ahead and flame me - call me an "America Hater" - blast the newspaper or the government agency that provided the analysis. I really don't give a https://www.s2ki.com/stor/forumshtml/emoticons/spam.gif what you think. Get your heads out of the sand.

I love my country. I hate what GWB and his cronies are doing to it.

U.S. eliminates annual terrorism report

By Jonathan S. Landay
Knight Ridder Newspapers


jhoostoy 04-16-2005 08:17 AM

Hey Jeff, I couldn't agree more on with what you are saying. I feel as though George W. needs to be arrested for war crimes. We had absolutely NO REASON to go to war with Iraq in the first place, only the hunch that they had weapons of mass destruction. This is what the government made the media tell the public who in turn thought that in the interest of our security warranted our great president's war. What a big suprise- no weapons of mass destraction, what a joke. I honestly can't believe that man who ultimitely ok'd this debachel is still in power. Just thought I'd share my .02

Warren J. Dew 04-16-2005 08:28 AM

Originally Posted by lig,Apr 16 2005, 07:51 AM
The National Counterterroism Center report shows that we are in fact less safe from terrorism than before.

As usual, the newspaper article redefines words the way it wants to. Yes the number of attacks is greater - but most people would say a larger number of attacks killing a far smaller number of people is "more safe", not "less safe". Or would you rather have more years like 2001, with fewer attacks killing more people?

lig 04-16-2005 08:31 AM

i feel you, my blue state s2000 brother.

GW will go down in history as one of the worst ever.

Life is sacred - let's keep the brain dead alive.

Sacrificing our troops, keeping them in indentured servitude in the name of "national security" (Santiago vs. Rumsfeld) and bombing Iraqis is cool though, I guess. :(

Honda 367 04-16-2005 10:49 AM

History will judge GWB in midst of current attacks. It is always hard to do the right thing but the history will vindicate him. What GWB did was bold and courageous. People may disagree with this perspective but it is always easier to criticize and judge when things don't work out exactly the way people want. Monday morning quarterbacking is probably not all that useful except to give people something to do as far as blaming or pointing fingers. I suppose that is also important thing to do. With given intelligence at that point in time, GWB made a decision and went with it. Now, if people want to make issues with that, that is their choice but I for one don't agree with bashing GWB. That is just my opinion.

lig 04-16-2005 10:55 AM

What exactly has Bush done with respect to the invasion of Iraq that has made it "the right thing to do"?

I've been against this sham war since the beginning so it isn't a case of "monday morning quarterbacking"

Is this guy even capable of admitting he made a mistake?

Are you saying that the costs involved in this debacle have been worth it?

What exactly have we gained by thumbing our nose at the world and unilaterally invading Iraq?

We are entitled to our own opinions on GWB. Yours and mine happen to be 180 degrees apart.

Honda 367 04-16-2005 11:46 AM

That's right. We are 180 degrees apart. You are not going to convince me and I am not going to convince you. But that is alright. We both seem to appreciate S2K.

lig 04-16-2005 11:54 AM


Honda 367 04-16-2005 11:56 AM

Oh, by the way, I would appreciate Pacific Northwest Badge if you will. Thanks! :LOL:

charlie 04-16-2005 01:56 PM

The past ostracism of Arafat and the removal of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, followed by democratic engagement, will bring eventual stability to the Middle East and enhance the security of the United States. After the failures of all our present critics, this new policy of promoting American values is our last, best hope. And the president will be rewarded long after he leaves office by the verdict of history for nobly sticking to it when few others, friend or foe, would.

Liq this is my opinion I will not debate you so flame away (as you do to others who have a dif opinion), this is my first and last post in this thread.

Enjoy :hello:

Warren J. Dew 04-16-2005 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by charlie,Apr 16 2005, 01:56 PM
The past ostracism of Arafat and the removal of the Taliban and Saddam Hussein, followed by democratic engagement, will bring eventual stability to the Middle East and enhance the security of the United States.

Not to mention this seems to be the first administration since Carter willing to put some pressure on Israel to do its part. Go Condi!

jhoostoy 04-16-2005 05:40 PM

I think that the idea that this new system of democracy will fail horribly, much like the multi-million dollar failure of the sewage system in Baghdad. Think about it for a minute, if Saddam's regime would have achieved a level of power where in which they hay had the means to invade America and utterly SLAUGHTER our military. Do you think that we the people of this country would roll over and say oh that's okay we don't like the way things have been going with our lifestyle that we've known for a few hundred years- sure we'll completely go along with your new style of government. The answer to this is no, I know that I would take to arms and defend my way of life till my dying breath and guess what, the insurgents are doing just that. They will continue to do that till we are gone. This whole debachel will have cost America thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of dollars for what, oh yeah so our oil tycoon of a pres can continue to spread democracy around the world and end terrorism. my .02 oh this is not my opinion- it is fact-

Warren J. Dew 04-16-2005 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by jhoostoy,Apr 16 2005, 05:40 PM
The answer to this is no, I know that I would take to arms and defend my way of life till my dying breath and guess what, the insurgents are doing just that.

That's true. However, it's to be noted that the Iraqi insurgents are Baathist Sunnis, who are a rather small minority of the country - not surprising, since the "way of life" they are defending is one where that 20% minority gets to have all the power and walk all over everyone else.

It remains to be seen whether the other 80% will be able to keep the upper hand, making the Sunnis abandon the Baathists and accept a power sharing arrangement, or whether things will break down into factional squabbling. In either case, though, I don't think the Baathists will be able to entirely regain the upper hand, as the Kurds, who were oppressed under the Baathists, are at least as good at fighting.

cordycord 04-16-2005 10:54 PM

I just feel that it is shocking that when trying to eradicate international terrorists, the amount of terrorist attacks worldwide would actually increase. How do dat happen?

Legal Bill 04-17-2005 03:00 AM

Attention Spring Fling attendees!

Take the Legal Bill Challenge and do not post a substantive response to this thread. We will be getting together in two weeks. Lets not get eachother all riled up.

No offense meant Lig.

RedY2KS2k 04-17-2005 05:51 AM

Originally Posted by Legal Bill,Apr 17 2005, 06:00 AM
Attention Spring Fling attendees!

Take the Legal Bill Challenge and do not post a substantive response to this thread. We will be getting together in two weeks. Lets not get eachother all riled up.

No offense meant Lig.

I accept the Legal Bill Challenge.

lig 04-17-2005 06:31 AM

No offense taken, Bill. :hello:

Have a fun meet, all.

I would propose to amend the challenge and limit it to those who can't separate political feelings from personal ones.

Believe it or not - some very good friends of mine (locally) are *cough* neo-cons. :D

ralper 04-17-2005 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by Legal Bill,Apr 17 2005, 07:00 AM
Attention Spring Fling attendees!

Take the Legal Bill Challenge and do not post a substantive response to this thread. We will be getting together in two weeks. Lets not get eachother all riled up.

No offense meant Lig.

I was thinking that exact same thing. I accept the challenge too.

Warren J. Dew 04-17-2005 07:25 AM

Originally Posted by cordycord,Apr 16 2005, 10:54 PM
I just feel that it is shocking that when trying to eradicate international terrorists, the amount of terrorist attacks worldwide would actually increase. How do dat happen?

West Virginia is too far for me, and this looks like an honest question....

What do people who are used to fighting do when you attack them? They fight back, of course. So we should expect an increase in incidents for the first few years if we decide to fight the terrorists, and that's exactly what happened. At least they are fighting back where they happen to be strong (e.g., Spain, Indonesia) rather than carrying the fight to us.

cordycord 04-17-2005 09:27 AM

Instead of my first smart-ass remark, I almost said that this (legitimate) thread should have been posted in "Politics and Current Events". Sorry.

lig 04-17-2005 10:54 AM


lig 05-09-2005 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by charlie,Apr 16 2005, 02:56 PM
Liq this is my opinion I will not debate you so flame away (as you do to others who have a dif opinion), this is my first and last post in this thread.

So Charlie -

You take a cheap shot at me and then say this will be your first and last post in this thread?

How is this any better than whatever it is you accuse me of? :rolleyes:

I don't care if your viewpoint differs from mine - but taking cheap shots like you are here is chicken shit.

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