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CR EH 08-19-2009 12:10 PM

Almost lost my door today! :/
So i pull into my parking lot, didnt even turn the car off as i was going in for a split second. And as i was opening my door some lady in a Caravan pulls right up next to me just about taking my whole door off. I didnt see her pull in behind me and figured no one would pull next to me when there were open spots everywhere. Thankfully she managed to nail the brakes on time to stop.

Thoughts tho?...whose fault would it have been if she did hit my door?

And...lesson learned is just one more reason to park it sideways ;) lol

iDomN8U 08-19-2009 12:19 PM

Same thing happened to me in both perspectives.

I didn't see the guy in the car as I was pulling in, he opened the door... close call.

Second time was getting out of the car.

Honestly your so use to pulling into a parking spot and the chances of someone coming out of the car next to it is slim and rarely happens, therefore people don't think twice about it

sunizzil 08-19-2009 12:28 PM

i was getting out of my friends STI and some guy pulled up in the parking spot pretty fast, but luckily the door wasnt open all the way he was about 2 inches form taking the door off

S2K Type R 08-19-2009 12:39 PM

It would be your fault to not look before opening.

I nearly killed a cyclist downtown when I was exiting the passenger side of a car and some courier had to hop the sidewalk to avoid the door. Never been cursed that bad since.

CR EH 08-19-2009 12:42 PM

I was moreso just wondering if the fact that it was in a parking lot would change things? Would it be my fault for opening without looking? Or hers for not being cautious enough in a parking lot, after all it would have been her hitting my door, not me hitting her van...right?

Idk im just stirring up shit for the fun of it :p

chowbj 08-19-2009 12:50 PM

^ in a parking lot its no ones fault. ins won't deal with those claims.

S2K Type R 08-19-2009 12:50 PM

Yeah, kind of a grey area. Maybe get some lambo doors?

If something popped just in front of me while my car was moving, I don't think it should be my fault for hitting it.

spoon_boi 08-19-2009 01:16 PM

when i first read the title.. i thought someone stole just your 2K doors.. lol.. but then finally when i read it.. then i'm like OHHH!!!

Dang.. t hat sux.. I learnt my lesson previously with my other car.. 2 close calls.. when you live downtown and park on the street, you learn to look before you swing the door open.. with ppl riding bicycles or rollarblading on the street, you would think they would see.. but honestly they don't.,.. and BAMM the min you open the door..

i've seen worst.. where someone opened the door and didn't anticpate a bicyle go by... and BAM!! LOL

CR EH 08-19-2009 01:46 PM

I check to see if someone is driving/cycling by everytime if im parked on the street but until today i never really though to look to see if someone is flying into the parking spot next to you lol

And do you guys ever find it odd how no matter how far out in the parking lot you park, someone ALWAYS has to park next to you?

p.s- no lambos for me lol

starchland 08-19-2009 02:46 PM

it would be your fault if the cop had to charge somone. 3 points.

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