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pakj4 06-21-2007 11:26 PM

Help Shipping S2K from U.S.
Hi guys, i was thinking of getting a s2k from the states since it's so much cheaper. I was wondering what type of problems or concerns i should be worried about when purchasing. Also, I was wondering if anyone or company in Toronto actually do these shipping for you at a decent price. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks =)

iDomN8U 06-22-2007 05:35 AM

There are a few threads in the TO forum that have this all explained and we have a member that will do it for you as well.

Please search and if you still have questions, post them back here

Kace 06-22-2007 06:10 AM

For shipping, I used http://www.oakwoodtransport.com

They were great and very reasonably priced.

adelaide 06-22-2007 11:21 AM

tfx will handle the importation if you want as well as the trasnport.

mikey stone 06-22-2007 02:03 PM

i have heard very good things about TFX, tho they arent cheap. they will handle all of the import documentation in terms of getting it across the border.

you will be responsible for the remaining items that need to be done before registering the car (i.e., getting a recall clearance letter, installing daytime running lights, getting the car checked out at Canadian Tire, and paying PST when you register the car).

pakj4 06-23-2007 02:54 PM

What are some of the minor or major problems i should look at when purchasing in the states. Since i won't be able to see the car or test the car, how safe is it ???? I did some research and pm'ed the member that does these Thanks for everyone's suggestions. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :D

pakj4 06-25-2007 11:01 PM


jezzder 06-26-2007 06:10 AM

have the guy take it to a dealer, one that you choose, and have them do a pre purchase inspection. Have them call you with the results and not give them to the guy. (just to make sure they arent tampered with)

The dealer should be able to let you know what kind of condition the car is in.

Also, talk to the guy a little bit and find out who he is, what kinda stuff he does a little and try and get a guage on how he takes care of it.

I just got mine... on ebay interstingly enough. Flew down and picked it up my self (cost about the same as having someone import if for me, but i got to spend 26hrs in the new baby) Getting it across the boarder is a sinch.

Like i said, i just did it last month. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and i'll let you know everything you need.

Mocky 06-26-2007 06:19 AM

Can someone make a comprehensive FAQ about this and maybe have Cory sticky this? I think this question comes up once or twice a week..

Maybe would help if it was all listed somewhere.. Just a thought.. (and no, I'm not making that list.. :LOL: )

mondo3 07-04-2007 06:17 PM

A FAQ is an excellent idea!

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