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Little Av 08-12-2002 12:40 PM

Thank God for Honda Engineering!
Thought we ought to let you see what happened to the car on Friday:brokehrt:

Can't tell you how grateful we are for the safety features of the S, as you can see, the interior was hardly touched and believe it or not, both Stewart and his brother got out with only cuts and bruises. They are both fine but still hurt a bit. The car flipped and ended up in the bushes on it's drivers side after aquaplaning - caution to everyone when driving in the wet!

I'm sure Stewart will add his comments later but for the moment, I know how you all like to see pictures so thought I'd better get these on (thanks especially to Tif for posting instructions for pictures!).

Not sure what the replacement plan is yet, heart says S2000, head says 'sensible'. Either way we need to wait until the Insurance company decide on the value but we are trying to keep hold of the S2000 AV plate in the meantime.

I've really enjoyed reading the messages on the board and sometimes contributing and will keep visiting to try to keep in touch anyway. For the moment, have a look at the picture and count your blessings that Honda really knows what it's doing when it comes to safety!





Lurking Lawyer 08-12-2002 12:45 PM

:eek3: :eek2:

Bloody hell. I'm glad they were both able to walk away largely unhurt, Avril.

Tifosi Red 08-12-2002 12:46 PM

sickening Av, I am so happy to hear that Stewart and his brother got out of that OK. I couldn't believe the damage when I first saw that... a testament to Honda design indeed.

moor deybe 08-12-2002 01:16 PM

Sorry to see your S2000 like that:(, glad to hear that no-one was seriously injured:thumbup: Looks like both the front and rear absorbed quite a bit of force.

I'd look on the bright side, if the insurance payout makes it feasable, then get an 02 model. Did your car have the alignment changes?

I wouldn't be apprehensive about buying another S2000, there's no safer driver than one thats just had a big accident, and that looks about as big as you can get without serious injury.

In the interests of it not happening to anyone else, I'd be interested to hear from Stewart what the conditions were i.e. in a turn, long curve, straight, speed, gear, when the water was hit.

Good luck with the insurance

S2K_vibes 08-12-2002 01:16 PM

oh my god! this really looks scaring! seems like a wonder everyone got out unhurt. maybe its not the time for those questions, but does anybody know in which conditions (beside wet road) this happened? regarding the "small" amount of s2000's there is a "huge" amount of crash/accident pics on the web. i hope everyone will be fine again soon.

Little Av 08-12-2002 01:27 PM

Hi All

Thanks for the good wishes.

We didn't have the alignment changes, scary but Stewart was going to book in this week - too little too late maybe!

Hadn't thought of the possibility of an 02 model but lets keep our fingers crossed

Stewart will post full details of conditions in a week or so but in the meantime, be careful out there!


Tonky 08-12-2002 03:16 PM

Holy Moley!:(

Glad everyone's O.K.

Graham Munro 08-12-2002 09:34 PM

F%*k:eek2: and I complain about car park dings:cry: perhaps |Dent master would give you a discount!:yikes:

JamesM 08-12-2002 10:13 PM

Av, this is shocking - Just glad that everyone was able to walk away from it relatively OK!

Remember everyone, wear your seatbelts!!

AnDy_PaNdY 08-12-2002 10:39 PM

That really is very shocking, glad everybody walked away in good health.
To all new owners be very careful in the wet and when the colder weather comes (did it ever go away:rolleyes: ) be very very careful.

Drive safely.:)

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