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GrittyShaker 04-08-2011 01:33 PM

Write Off?
I nearly got flattened by a HGV on Tuesday night. Luckily he just shunted me along the dual carriageway for 100m or so, before realising I was there and backing off. Apparently he thought the first bump on the OSR, which occurred when he tried to pull into the inside lane I was occupying, was a tyre blowout. He then decided to try and pull over to investigate, which is when he hit me square on up the arse and pushed me along for a bit.


I'm still waiting for the insurers to sort stuff out. I've heard on the grapevine (the driver works with the brother of someone I work with) that he is blaming me for the incident. He's only just got the job, and is in a panic that he's going to lose it. So he f@#king should, IMO.

So, in the meantime, I've got a Chrysler Sebring 2.0l diesel as a temporary replacement, which is the worst car I've ever driven.

Not much point to this post really. I'm not really looking for any suggestions or advice. I just thought I would vent. :D

A few accessories will be up for sale presently. :)

BSM139 04-08-2011 01:40 PM


Bharat :)

Kiteland 04-08-2011 01:52 PM

:yikes: scott :(

nomadicS2k 04-08-2011 01:53 PM

Gutted for you Gritty. Hope it gets resolved quickly.

whaninoz 04-08-2011 01:57 PM

Sorry to see that gritty,
from looking at that picture and comparing it to my one i would say it is probably a cat C, hope the insurance resolves it smoothlty.

GrittyShaker 04-08-2011 02:01 PM

Cheers all. :)

I'm hoping for a speedy resolution too. I can't put up with this Chrysler for too long. :thumbdn: Time for a change, I think, once the payout turns up.

Mistress Quickly 04-08-2011 02:20 PM

So sorry to see Gritty‘s car in that state. :crycry: Thank Goodness he wasn't hurt.

Probably will never drive the Dales and Cumbria together in our Ss again. :(


Saz and I loved getting our Ss together with his for the calendar competition. :heart:


GrittyShaker 04-08-2011 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by Mistress Quickly (Post 20446005)
Saz and I loved getting our Ss together

Esses and asses, in Saz's case. ;)

I might get another S at some point, so never say never again. :) I can still photograph your cars. I'll just park my little diesel-mobile out of sight.

kim-s2k 04-08-2011 03:35 PM

thats awful - sorry to hear that and hope things are sorted out promptly. I suppose the best thing is that you're still in one piece and not seriously injured.

AquilaEagle 04-08-2011 11:17 PM

Hoirible to see this Gritty :(

Let's see the pics of asses! :D

rob2.2 04-09-2011 12:40 AM

its a jdm import so i would imagine they will right it off,

if they do grade it a cat C and fix it,
remember to ask for some money compensation aswell,
As a cat C graded car it will loose 15-20% of its sale value.

E4RTH WORM JIM 04-09-2011 01:25 AM

Gutted bud.

Hope you get sorted

lovegroova 04-09-2011 03:17 AM

So sorry to see your car in that state, Scott but glad you're in one piece.

Hope it gets sorted quickly and painlessly.

chastmeister 04-09-2011 05:13 AM


Glad you're ok though.

Stoatmaster 04-09-2011 07:59 AM

Do you guys use any specialist repairers for this sort of incident? When I had an accident in my FTO, everyone in the club told me to call Japco to prevent a writeoff. He effectively would price the repairs so the assessor would not write off the car. (i.e. fixing parts that do not need to be replaced, or sourcing second hand bits like bumpers and renovating them)

Saved my car from a write off, if it had gone to a normal garage the repair costs would have been rather extreme. Did a bloody good job too, and sent a transporter to pick the car up.

CHIPPO 04-09-2011 09:03 AM

If the other drivers at fault demand their insurers put you back in the position you were before the accident, I.e replacement car of same type and condition or repair what ever the cost.

GrittyShaker 04-09-2011 09:48 AM

The problem is that the position I was in before the accident was owning an S2000 that was dropping to bits. :D I'm better off without it, to be honest, and any S that I get for that sort of money is going to be a high miler. I would rather get something different now. Besides which, my priorities have changed now. I want some economy so I can get to all ends of the country with my camera. :)

Thanks for the wishes all. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :D

CHIPPO 04-09-2011 09:59 AM

Yep gritty I understand sometimes circumstances just trigger the change that was just hiding around the corner and needing a nudge into view. ( Big nudge that one though)

Well give em hell any way and don't accept the first, secound or even third offer, wring them dry. And good luck with your new steed what ever it might be.

Hope you were not hurt at all, whiplash or such like.

martin j 04-09-2011 10:06 AM

That's f*ckin shockin! it's bright red FFS, lose his job, it's his license that should oot the windae, on the other hand at least your ok Gritty and as it turns oot it actually suits you for this to have happened, lets hope the insurance company plays ball quickly. :thumbup:

GrittyShaker 04-09-2011 10:07 AM

Cheers Chip. I'm fine. :)

I know I'll miss it when it's gone, but needs must. I just wish it wasn't in the car park anymore, because every time I look at it I start changing my mind again.

GrittyShaker 04-09-2011 10:09 AM

Totally agree Martin. The fact that I was in front of him should have been enough. He could have seen me if he'd looked down, instead of deciding to speed up before pulling in.

Anyhoo, thanks for warm wishes. :thumbup:

Petron 04-09-2011 10:16 AM

Originally Posted by GrittyShaker (Post 20445856)
I'm still waiting for the insurers to sort stuff out. I've heard on the grapevine (the driver works with the brother of someone I work with) that he is blaming me for the incident. He's only just got the job, and is in a panic that he's going to lose it. So he f@#king should, IMO.

Looks like a cut and dried case to me Scott, but it's always a pain when they don't admit liability. Did you get any witnesses just in case?

Good luck with it all, nowt's fair in this life :(

GrittyShaker 04-09-2011 10:23 AM

My manager saw it, and has volunteered to fill a statement in and whatnot. She can't be classed as an independent witness, but it still helps. :thumbup:

Cheers Peter. :thumbup:

mikey k 04-09-2011 12:03 PM

Gutted for you :(

Juicy Steve 04-09-2011 01:13 PM

Thats pretty nasty.

gbduo 04-09-2011 01:14 PM

Ouch, that is such a shame, particularly with the nice weather coming! How on earth can the driver miss a bright red car!?


He was probably on his phone/laptop/watching a film, etc

Bogsye 04-09-2011 01:25 PM

Nightmare Scott - Sorry to see this, but of course glad you're okay!!

Great to see lots of good photos though! I noticed my old S' on the video of the 1st Slow meet.


m1bjr 04-09-2011 03:25 PM

People moan about the LHD Euro trucks on our roads.

But the most frequent displays of aggresive or callous driving are always from our domestic LGV drivers.

arsie 04-10-2011 01:20 AM

Scott, that is a hell of a lucky escape. Shame about your S just as Spring is springing.

But how many different ways could you have been sideways off the road at 55mph (or whatever) and meeting all manner of immoveable objects before coming to a stop? That HGV driver should not be driving big lorries. I presume the police are involved? Ask about mobile phone records ...

Main thing is though, you are 100% in one piece.

tomkbucks 04-10-2011 05:14 AM

ouch you are lucky ! was the driver of the truck ok ? have they sorted insurance quickly and got you in a replacment car ? you are very lucky ! remember that women in the clio that was pushed along !

maby66 04-10-2011 05:34 AM

Glad you are safe.

Nick Graves 04-10-2011 06:13 AM

Sorry to hear it & hope it gets sorted OK.

TBF, there is a huge invisibility cone around the NSF of the high-datum version of cabs often favoured on long-distance wagons & it's very easy to lose a small sports car in there. With mini cameras & sensors, it's something that's really not beyond the wit of man (or MAN, probably) to solve - it's far too common an occurrence on crowded motorways.

cheggers 04-10-2011 06:42 AM

Sorry to hear what has happened. Especially seeing how your S was in the best colour too.

kind of reminds me of this video:

GrittyShaker 04-10-2011 07:23 AM

Cheers all. :)

Tom, I CGAF if the driver of the truck is OK, but I would assume that he's fine. More's the pity. :D Insurance are on the case, but I've not heard from them since Thursday, when they arranged my loan car. I'll hopefully get a call from them tomorrow, and if not I'll give them a buzz myself to see what's happening. My witness is/has submitting/submitted her statement, so things are happening at least.

Arsie, you're quite right. It could have been far, far worse, particularly if I hadn't regained control after the first shunt.

Hindsight though, eh? No, the police weren't involved, and I'm kicking myself for it now. He stopped (eventually), there were no injuries, we exchanged details. In my slightly shocked state the thought never occurred to me to involve the authorities. :banghead:

arsie 04-10-2011 08:40 AM

Nothing to stop you reporting this to the authorities now, is there? After due thought, recovery from shock etc

At least, it was without due care and attention and if texting they take a dim view.

Next time he might kill. You would never forgive yourself.

Report him now.

martin j 04-10-2011 09:24 AM

I agree with arsie, reporting the driver now can do no harm as it will give an incident number at least, if they ask why you waited until now there's is always the "no one hurt would you have come out?" answer. If these accidents happen because of badly designed cabs shouldn't they be changing something quickly, driver error I reckon( the hgv not you Scott) whatever he was doing, hope his next sh*t is a hedgehog.

gt750boy 04-10-2011 10:28 AM

Speaking as someone that was the victim of an idiot shunting my car from behind, and now suffering with a lifelong brain injury, sometimes injuries take a while to manifest themselves. If you suffer any headaches or stiffness in the neck, shoulders, back over the next coming weeks make sure you get a thorough exam by a neurologist and orthopaedist, and whatever you do DO NOT sign off saying everything is ok until as least six months have gone by without any symptoms.

hammyS2 04-10-2011 10:44 AM

It chokes you to see damage like this although the main thing is you are OK Gritty so :thumbup: for that. Hope you get it all resolved without frustration.

Rob@ReidyRacing 04-11-2011 01:02 AM

Oooh nasty...Wiplash?Were you ok? That looks like quite a nasty rear impact...

I know this is really low, but if you break the car can I get dibs on the passenger front headlight?


GrittyShaker 04-11-2011 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by cyber gook (Post 20451871)
Oooh nasty...Wiplash?Were you ok? That looks like quite a nasty rear impact...

I know this is really low, but if you break the car can I get dibs on the passenger front headlight?


No lower than the other requests I've had via PM. ;)

A bloke I work with is wanting to buy it back once it has been written off, and second dibs is going to someone who PM'd me a couple of days ago, and left me in the awkward position of having to PM him as he's put all buying plans for his project on hold until he hears from me. I would rather just get my own problems sorted TBH, and not have other people's stress forced upon me. That's not to say your request is an issue, so don't think I'm having a go at you. :D

Re: Reporting to the police, I've exchanged PMs with our resident traffic bobby John57, and it sounds very much like it will do nothing other than give me more work and stress to deal with. For that reason I'm not going to bother.

I'm waiting for my Manager to sort out her statement now. She received it on Saturday, and said she was "going to bring it to work to do today, but forgot so will have to bring it tomorrow". Obviously it's not urgent or anything. :rolleyes:

motogp1 04-11-2011 12:18 PM

Only just seen this thread

I know how how you feel scott i was in the same situation 15months ago, i'm glad they wrote mine off i never wanted it back. my replacement 700miles a tank :sssh:

Glad you ok though that's the main thing.

tomkbucks 04-12-2011 05:32 AM

i hope they pay you what you think its worth - any ideas ? what is going to replace it ? im pleased ive moved to a nice comfy D estate.. enjoying 55mpg at the moment...

GrittyShaker 04-12-2011 07:03 AM

Not really sure how much it was worth. I'll see what they offer and go from there. I don't need anything near as big as an estate, so I'll probably get a diesel hatch of some sort. Maybe an Alfa 147.

Rich, I agree. I was struggling to part with it, but now a HGV driver has made the decision for me. :rolleyes:

tomkbucks 04-12-2011 07:11 AM

its nice sometimes when that happends as you dont have to deal with the idiots that want to buy it from you ! id say they start there offer at 4500...

motogp1 04-12-2011 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by GrittyShaker (Post 20457182)
Not really sure how much it was worth. I'll see what they offer and go from there. I don't need anything near as big as an estate, so I'll probably get a diesel hatch of some sort. Maybe an Alfa 147.

Rich, I agree. I was struggling to part with it, but now a HGV driver has made the decision for me. :rolleyes:

My insurance payed out more than i had it insured for. 7k :thumbup: plus i had already stripped all the bits like the Hardtop, bracing ect so i was happy .

GrittyShaker 04-12-2011 11:45 AM

That seems like a pretty good price. :thumbup: I'll be over the moon with anything near that. Obviously mine's older of course.

s2konroids 04-13-2011 09:01 AM


Sorry to hear this Scott, just get another one! they are dirt cheap these days mate.

Itchy Dick 04-13-2011 09:28 AM

Gutted for you Scott, especially with the Summer around the corner.

Every cloud has a silver lining though!

Rich - What did you get that does 700 miles to a tank???


GrittyShaker 04-13-2011 11:50 AM

There's a reason they're cheap Irv! :D I'm not buying another old one then replacing the engine a year down the line when it blows up. I need something cheaper to run now to fit my current circumstances.

Cheers Nick. I'm over it now. Just getting annoyed with the waiting game I've got to play till the third party insurers get their arse in gear.

motogp1 04-20-2011 09:55 AM

Any news yet scott, is it dead.

Shiskine 04-20-2011 10:54 AM

Blimey Scott. Sorry I missed this thread until tonight. Glad to hear you're fine and fingers crossed things work out with the insurance company ...

AquilaEagle 04-20-2011 11:09 AM

Any news Gritty?

GrittyShaker 04-20-2011 11:34 AM

Cheers Shisky. :)

No news of any consequence yet, Ian. My insurers haven't even heard from the third party ones yet. :thumbdn:

AquilaEagle 04-20-2011 11:55 AM

Your insurers should pay out anyway then recover the losses. :(

Hope it turns good soon mate :)

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