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toke101 05-10-2010 10:41 AM

So i have this problem with my neighbor who swears he owns the block. No one can park infront of his house. But when hes not taking up 2 spots and you decide to park infront or behind his car and leave about a foot space between, He will come out and put his car as close to your bumper as possible sometimes even hitting it theres no possible way to get THAT close without tapping it.

On top of that if its a street cleaning day and our car is parked right infront of the house, say my mom goes out for 10 min. he will come outside and move the car up to be infront of my house on purpose.

The other day i caught him talking shit to a neighbor 2 house's down about my car being parked in the same spot for 48 hours (it wasnt i drove it the night before and parked in the same spot) my window was open so i could hear him yelling to her.He said he was going to put his unregisterd car thats in the drive way infront of my house (good luck ill call the cops on you silly fool)

I wasnt parked infront of his house i was parked a house down from his and that neighbor never complains about my car being there. Anyway this guy said he was going to call the cops on me because my car hasn't moved i started cursing at him and he said people like me make the neighbor hood look bad..im 21 and you're like 45? you have nothing better to do then have parking wars with some one that dosnt really care.

Anyway hes been doing this for about a year now i really could care less because well im not that lazy and dont mind haveing to walk 15 feet to my house.but now hes just being disrespectful. Today my friend parked his maxima infront of his caddillac and he decided to move up to my friends bumper,he tapped it and left it there sitting on his bumper..well my friend really dosnt care about his back bumper because its already scratched. So before my friend left he "rolled" back into it...more like he put it in reverse and hit it pretty hard lol.

anyone else have any stories?

sorry for typo's im in a rush but just wanted to share with you guys.

thebig33tuna 05-10-2010 10:47 AM

Originally Posted by toke101,May 10 2010, 01:41 PM
So i have this problem with my neighbor who swears he owns the block. No one can park infront of his house. But when hes not taking up 2 spots and you decide to park infront or behind his car and leave about a foot space between, He will come out and put his car as close to your bumper as possible sometimes even hitting it theres no possible way to get THAT close without tapping it.

On top of that if its a street cleaning day and our car is parked right infront of the house, say my mom goes out for 10 min. he will come outside and move the car up to be infront of my house on purpose.

The other day i caught him talking shit to a neighbor 2 house's down about my car being parked in the same spot for 48 hours (it wasnt i drove it the night before and parked in the same spot) my window was open so i could hear him yelling to her.He said he was going to put his unregisterd car thats in the drive way infront of my house (good luck ill call the cops on you silly fool)

I wasnt parked infront of his house i was parked a house down from his and that neighbor never complains about my car being there. Anyway this guy said he was going to call the cops on me because my car hasn't moved i started cursing at him and he said people like me make the neighbor hood look bad..im 21 and you're like 45? you have nothing better to do then have parking wars with some one that dosnt really care.

Anyway hes been doing this for about a year now i really could care less because well im not that lazy and dont mind haveing to walk 15 feet to my house.but now hes just being disrespectful. Today my friend parked his maxima infront of his caddilac and he decided to move up to my friends bumper,he tapped it and left it there sitting on his bumper..well my friend really dosnt care about his back bumper because its already scratched. So before my friend left he "rolled" back into it...more like he put it in reverse and hit it pretty hard lol.

anyone else have any stories?

sorry for typo's im in a rush but just wanted to share with you guys.

I am 90% sure on this, but could be wrong. /Disclaimer.

If you can document (take pictures) of where a car (your friend's or his) is, and show that the neighbor *moved* his car to get within inches of your car, you can call the cops and have them write him a ticket. you're required to leave a certain amount of space between cars when you park on the street... also, if you get video of him tapping the car... even better.

d.h 05-10-2010 11:09 AM

There are annoying neighbors, but I think yours went past that point already.....into the douche bag/fight provoking territory.

Terror 05-10-2010 11:12 AM

I don't have any annoying neighbors, sorry. I do have a hot M.I.L.F. that lives next door, though.

txchopper5 05-10-2010 11:16 AM

People get so upset about stuff like this, but the street is a public place and people can park where they want. I would be careful to piss him off too much because he sounds like he has too much time and may start letting air out of tires or other childish things. If it isn't too much trouble I'd do what he asks, otherwise tell him he needs to be an adult about things that he doesn't own the street.

vader1 05-10-2010 11:50 AM

I'd just avoid the guy. He is looking to start something with someone probably so he can have an excuse to escalate things and go off on somebody. Not necessarily in a violent way, but in a "do some serious harm to your property" sort of way.

Or you could ignore my advice and set his car on fire........

But if you got a really annoying neighbor I am totally fine with putting up with it for a bit until you decide to move. No matter how much you like where you live, there is always a place that you might like better and won't have to put up with bullsh*t.

I built a house in a new neighborhood a few years back and my neighbor next door was a nice guy and so was his wife but they were a tad red-necky. They got two giant pound dogs that peed all over his dandelion farm of a lawn and killed eveythiing but weeds. It looked like the lawn on Malcom in the Middle. Big plastic kids toys all over the lawn. Never kept anything up and his brand new house looked run down and had a big dented up red Aztek in the driveway. I liked the guy and did not want to complain, it was his property, just did not want to live next to it and have all my friends ask "holy crap, who the heck lives next door?" every time they came over. I sold the new place after three years, made a big pile of cash, built a better place close by, and am totally happy. I don't have the manicured looking lawn by any means, its just that living next to the Jed Clampet is enough to make me look for greener pastures. Living next to a jerk would make up my mind sooner.

mxt_77 05-10-2010 11:58 AM

My question is: Why are you parking in front of your neighbors' houses? Park in front of your own. Or better yet, park in your garage if you have one. While it's true that street parking is 'public'... just like any public resource, you shouldn't use more than your fair share. If you & your family/roommates have so many cars that you can't park them all in your garage/driveway or in front of your own property, then you're taking more than your fair share of space.

Now, if you just have one or two cars that you park in the street, and the only reason that you park in front of your neighbors' houses is because someone else is already parked in front of your house, and it only happens on occasion, then maybe it's acceptable.

Depending on the circumstances, I can understand the guy's frustration, though. I make a conscious effort to park my vehicle(s) in my garage and keep the street parking available for visitors, and also so that my property looks tidy and well-maintained. However, my neighbor has up to 5 cars parked in front of his house (and none parked in his garage because it's full of junk), and often his cars overflow such that they're parked in front of my property, and that irks the hell out of me. So, from my perspective... my "Bad Neighbors" post would be about guys like you. :p

Unfortunately, since street parking is a public space, the guy has little recourse other than his childish games. Don't be surprised if it escalates to keyed cars, slashed/deflated tires, etc, though.

OverBooster 05-10-2010 11:59 AM

My neighbor was a complete recluse and a slob. Called the city on him a few times.

However karma is a biatch and he lost his home last weekend to the bank. So now, no more slob of a neighbor. While it is sad when anyone loses their home, I have no sympathy for that guy.

vader1 05-10-2010 12:01 PM

While I agree with MXT for the most part, I'd like to know what kind of neighborhood it is. Is it the average suburban type spot where you have plenty of space in front of your own house, or is it in the city brownstone type neighborhood with no driveways and EVERYONE parks on the street in any open space they can find?

OverBooster 05-10-2010 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by mxt_77,May 10 2010, 01:58 PM
My question is: Why are you parking in front of your neighbors' houses? Park in front of your own.

:iagree: It pisses me off when my neighbors park in front of my house. Park your ish in front of your own damn house.

Saki GT 05-10-2010 12:05 PM

I would just tape record everything. Not necessarily do anything with it yet, but just build up a bunch of sustained evidence. If you know he will move the car after you park near his, set up that situation to record it, and get a dozen instances of it. Hang out outside by the cars with an audio recorder if you know he will come out and yell at you, and get that recorded. Put a rolling camera in a car to video him backing into it.

If you really want to escalate, once you have a bunch of evidence, record an incident and call the police to report it. Claim $2000 in damages ($1k to paint, $1k in parts and labor to replace). If it goes up from there, you already have all the evidence and now police reports to push back on. If he threatens you (record it) and get a restraining order that he can't be 500 yards from you, then call the police when he parks in front of his own house :devil:

Otherwise, just ignore him like you've been doing or just tell him (in front of witnesses) that you've been recording him hitting your car for a year now and that if he doesn't stop, you'll call the cops.

Also, you could just call his bluff and tell him to call the cops, since they aren't going to do anything about your car - its registered to the house its in front of. I had a friend that had an abandoned car parked in front of his house, and it took almost two months of calling to get that pos ticked, tagged, and then towed away, and that was a car without a plate or registration.

Boski 05-10-2010 12:06 PM

I've happened to live next to two really bad neighbors. The first one finally moved out (after his wife left him because he was a total alcoholic and had to wear an ankle bracelet) and was replaced by what seemed like some nice folks, until....

They both work for one of our local news channels. She is a producer for the 5/6 PM shows and he is a technical director. I come home one day a notice a broadcast van parked in front of their house with the antenna up and cables running everywhere. I'm like WTF? We are getting ready to get a tropical storm and so they were using their house as the shots/example of what to do, how to board up your windows, bringing your grill in etc. So me and my wife are laughing inside watching as they are doing a lot of this live. Then they cut to some pre-taped footage at the hardware store discussing the types of screws to get and then they cut back live and the new reporter is standing at our fence looking into my yard. The guy says on air another big thing to consider is kids toys (motioning to my yard), just look at all these toys in this yard that can become dangerous flying projectiles. Looking back now its a bit funny, but at the time I did not find it so humorous. I mean dude coulda asked me "hey man we are going to be filming this short story on what to do when a tropical storm comes blah blah is it cool if we use your backyard?" I didn't even pick up my kids toys and that tropical storm totally missed us, we had nothing but sunshine.

txchopper5 05-10-2010 12:18 PM

One of my buddies has three people living in his house and he has his track car and daily driver that are in the garage and one roommate parks in the driveway behind his track car, and the other on the street infront of the house so its all on their property. Being that all the parking is full when he has people over on the weekends we end up parking all around the street, and his neighbor will leave his driveway open and come yell at us because we parked in front of his house and he wants to park there and not his driveway. That pisses me off, your driveway is open so just use it.

Sometimes people just don't have another place to park, if it isn't something happening every day then I don't know what people get so mad about. Park in front of your own house if there is space, and if not it's every man for himself.

zzziippyyy 05-10-2010 12:26 PM

[QUOTE=Boski,May 10 2010, 03:06 PM] I've happened to live next to two really bad neighbors.

vader1 05-10-2010 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by txchopper5,May 10 2010, 02:18 PM
One of my buddies has three people living in his house and he has his track car and daily driver that are in the garage and one roommate parks in the driveway behind his track car, and the other on the street infront of the house so its all on their property. Being that all the parking is full when he has people over on the weekends we end up parking all around the street, and his neighbor will leave his driveway open and come yell at us because we parked in front of his house and he wants to park there and not his driveway. That pisses me off, your driveway is open so just use it.

People in my neighborhodd are entertaining all the time. One any given day you can look out and see 10-15 cars that are gathered at random house and cars are parked out in front of mine. I just say to the wife "Somebody is having a party today" and go about my business. I can't even begin to imagine why it would irk me that a neighbor is haivng friends and family over and they are gonna be in front of my house for a few hours. They can pour out of the neighbors house loud and drunk at 2 am for all I care. Have some fun, make some noise once in a while, just not EVERY day and I could care less.

toke101 05-10-2010 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by mxt_77,May 10 2010, 11:58 AM
My question is: Why are you parking in front of your neighbors' houses? Park in front of your own. Or better yet, park in your garage if you have one. While it's true that street parking is 'public'... just like any public resource, you shouldn't use more than your fair share. If you & your tfamily/roommates have so many cars that you can't park them all in your garage/driveway or in front of your own property, then you're taking more than your fair share of space.

Now, if you just have one or two cars that you park in the street, and the only reason that you park in front of your neighbors' houses is because someone else is already parked in front of your house, and it only happens on occasion, then maybe it's acceptable.

Depending on the circumstances, I can understand the guy's frustration, though. I make a conscious effort to park my vehicle(s) in my garage and keep the street parking available for visitors, and also so that my property looks tidy and well-maintained. However, my neighbor has up to 5 cars parked in front of his house (and none parked in his garage because it's full of junk), and often his cars overflow such that they're parked in front of my property, and that irks the hell out of me. So, from my perspective... my "Bad Neighbors" post would be about guys like you. :p

Unfortunately, since street parking is a public space, the guy has little recourse other than his childish games. Don't be surprised if it escalates to keyed cars, slashed/deflated tires, etc, though.

well its only 4 of us and we each have a car...do we have a garage/driveway..yea in the back of the house..does he? hell yea rite infront of his house....i have to go into my house to open the gate outside in the back(only opens from inside)..then bring my car around the house to the street behind and pull in. but why do that every day?

the way the street is set up is the houses on my side have the garage/driveway in the back and on his side they all have it rite infront.

he has a VW in the drive way that he hasnt moved in 4 years thats when i moved here. but yet his garage is full of shit he probly dosnt even look at just boxes of papers.

why not just clean that out pull the VW in and put the car in the drive way?

come on..im not even parking in your spot and youre bitching that my car hasnt moved. :bs:

this wont escalate, ill take an ax to his car and leave it there, i saw a pic somewhere and want to try it. :suspect:

toke101 05-10-2010 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by OverBooster,May 10 2010, 12:02 PM
:iagree: It pisses me off when my neighbors park in front of my house. Park your ish in front of your own damn house.

ok why move up and take my spot on streetcleaning day when your car is just behind mine?

if your car is already parked infront of your house and your wife isnt home yet why cant i park in front or behind you?

how come no one else bitches about crossing the street to there house? is not that far.

the side walk may be your property but the road isnt. theres no sign that says only home owner can park here.

on street cleaning days iv parked down the block and havent complained about walking.. who cares ?

the only day ill actuly bitch is when i shovel my spot out when it snows and go out and come back to see one of my neighbors pulled into that spot because now that is just :bs:

mxt_77 05-10-2010 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by toke101,May 10 2010, 06:35 PM
the way the street is set up is the houses on my side have the garage/driveway in the back and on his side they all have it rite infront.

Two things I'd like to comment on about this point:
1) Not only are you not parking in front of your own property, you're parking on the opposite side of the street.
2) If the other side of the street has the driveways in front, that means they already have less available parking (because obviously no one can park where the driveway meets the street). So, you're consuming an already scarce resource.

Also, unless your lot is more than at least 65 feet wide with no parking obstructions (mailbox/fire hydrant/etc), then I'm guessing that there is no way that all 4 of your cars fit between your property lines. If it's not even possible for you to park all of your vehicles in front of your own property, then you're using more than your fair share of the public space. Add a couple of guests to that, and it's even worse.

You're free to do as you please, but I can definitely understand this guy's frustration. My advice to you would be to simply try to be as considerate and accomodating as possible to your neighbors, regardless of whether or not they are assholes. You have a driveway/garage. Use it. Leave the gate open, motorize it or relocate it if it's too much trouble to open/close each time you get home. And remember that just because the street is "public space" that doesn't mean that you have to consume all of it.

mxt_77 05-10-2010 03:52 PM

[QUOTE=toke101,May 10 2010, 06:45 PM] the only day ill actuly bitch is when i shovel my spot out when it snows and go out and come back to see one of my neighbors pulled into that spot because now that is just

toke101 05-10-2010 03:55 PM

now that i think about it, everyone will look at this from two points of view.

1. meh who cares is just a spot theres better things to worry about then in what spot you park.

2. wtf why cant he just park infront of his own house or side of the street.

toke101 05-10-2010 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by mxt_77,May 10 2010, 03:52 PM
Park in your garage/driveway, and that'll be a non-issue. ;)

lol i need a dam snow blower that would make life easy for when i park in the driveway haha

Impulse147 05-10-2010 04:02 PM

Got an old lady who lives across the street that complained for awhile about people parking within 10 ft. of her driveway entrance.

She called the police twice when I had friends over parking out in front of her house, first time they came by and we explained to the officer that there was limited parking space and that my friends would be leaving shortly,he ok'd it and took off.

Second time the police captain came out,told the lady that the entire subdivision has to deal with limited street parking and they wouldn't do anything about parking to close to her driveway and to not call them again over the matter.

She has called the police on 3 other occasions...once complaining about sound which we admitted to and quieted down on the officers orders,the other two times she told them there were young kids possibly minors drinking, when in fact there was no one under the age of 23 at the house.

Finally went and filed a complaint against her with the police and they issued a "no response" order against her regarding neighbor disputes.

mxt_77 05-10-2010 05:02 PM

Not sure about Ohio, but this is how the law actually reads in TX:
[QUOTE](b) An operator may not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger, stand or park an occupied or unoccupied vehicle:

kadeshpa 05-10-2010 05:03 PM

I have a douchebag of neighbor that parks his big POS Escalade in front of my house and work truck elsewhere on the street. Meanwhile his driveway and garage are totally empty.

Total prick. Not to mention that he sometimes has parties in his back deck until 2-3am on a weekday. I'm trying not to call the cops on him, but simply asking him politely to be considerate of his fellow neighbors has failed.

Why can't people just be civilized and considerate? I swear I need to live in an f'n island by myself to be away from all of the idiots.

Impulse147 05-10-2010 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by mxt_77,May 10 2010, 05:02 PM
Not sure about Ohio, but this is how the law actually reads in TX:

There's no requirement to be 10ft from the driveway. You should find your local/state statute and give it to her, so she'll know that you & your friends are parking legally. It is, however, inconsiderate to park so close to a driveway that visibility is obscured as to make it unsafe to exit.

We checked and the local statute is 10ft. ,friends usually park within 4-5ft. of her driveway.

There is no way my friends would be able to park 10 ft. out as parking is limited to one side of the street and 2 other neighbors park their cars to the right of her driveway and neighbor to the left of my house parks his truck between her driveway and an intersection leaving only enough room for another car and about 5 ft. of space.

Wouldn't be a problem in this neighborhood if the people who owned 2-3 cars would park more than one in their driveway and not use their garages as storage spaces,what kills be about this is one of my neighbors has a cherry Datsun 240 that he parks on the street with a car cover and does mechanical work on it in the street,if I was him I'd have my garage cleared out.

Visibility isn't an issue as her house sits on a hill giving her a great view of the street.

She is just a nuisances , she told one neighbor that she thinks I sell drugs because there is no way a 24 yr. old man can own a house and 2 cars and that I constantly have people over.

espelirS2K 05-10-2010 07:12 PM

The neighbors above me stomp REALLY, REALLY loud at all-hours of the night. One night I banged on the ceiling with a broom about 15 times. Our parking spaces are numbered by which apartment we are in. The next morning we found 2 bricks through my GFs rear glass.

mxt_77 05-10-2010 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by Impulse147,May 10 2010, 08:22 PM
We checked and the local statute is 10ft. ,friends usually park within 4-5ft. of her driveway.

In that case, she should've reported the officers to their superiors when they refused to cite you & your friends or tow the vehicles. Their job is to enforce the law. If someone reports an offense, it is the officers' job to address it... regardless of whether or not they think that person is being ridiculous.

Wouldn't be a problem in this neighborhood if the people who owned 2-3 cars would park more than one in their driveway and not use their garages as storage spaces,
Yep. Garages are for cars, not junk... especially when the misappropriation of that garage space causes them to infringe on the public space shared by their neighbors.

Originally Posted by kadeshpa
Why can't people just be civilized and considerate?

Because until it is something that inconveniences them, they just figure "meh who cares is just a spot theres better things to worry about then in what spot you park."
Right? :)

Steponme 05-10-2010 09:55 PM

Every once in a full moon (actually, much rarer, like once or twice a year), our dog would run out by accident for a few minutes, but the bitchy neighbor would always yell at us. The dog would run around for a few minutes and run back in; no harm done, but that bitch of a neighbor is more of a bitch than any female dog. :D

Kyushin 05-11-2010 06:09 AM

Originally Posted by espelirS2K,May 10 2010, 10:12 PM
The neighbors above me stomp REALLY, REALLY loud at all-hours of the night. One night I banged on the ceiling with a broom about 15 times. Our parking spaces are numbered by which apartment we are in. The next morning we found 2 bricks through my GFs rear glass.

At this point I would have shown up and put those same bricks back into their window wearing some leather gloves. When they call the cops the gloves are still printed with their trashy fingers so now they have 2 counts of vandalism.

Saki's idea here is legally and financially the best really, video evidence and a police report then a sting of 2k to the dude should hurt. But if you wanna retaliate in a much more fun way, I have many ways that are very rewarding.

Ex: Before the point where he moves his car onto your ass, set up roofing nails all over the space where he will invade, then set up the camera. He will find the nails and then retaliate and you will have it all on tape!

Ex2: Get some of Billy Mays Superpuddy and stick it inside his doorlocks to his house when he is away!

Ive got a whole book of these things!

Im my old house, I took sweet sweet revenge on a neighbor that had his dog shit on my lawn. I had asked the dude several times to not allow his dog to shit on my lawn, but I had caught him coaching the dog to do so, and and this is where I got revenge.

I got a pan of bacon grease and would pour it on the dog shit every time it would lay a pile. Naturally the next day, the dog would smell the bacon grease and eat its own shit. After about a month of this repeating, the dog would lay a fresh steamy pile then immediately turn around and eat it then would run over and give the bastard stinky dog shit doggy kisses. The dude was baffled and couldnt figure out why the hell the dog would start eating its own shit. -Sweet revenge!

thebig33tuna 05-11-2010 06:43 AM

Originally Posted by Kyushin,May 11 2010, 09:09 AM
I got a pan of bacon grease and would pour it on the dog shit every time it would lay a pile. Naturally the next day, the dog would smell the bacon grease and eat its own shit. After about a month of this repeating, the dog would lay a fresh steamy pile then immediately turn around and eat it then would run over and give the bastard stinky dog shit doggy kisses. The dude was baffled and couldnt figure out why the hell the dog would start eating its own shit. -Sweet revenge!

That is epic win. :LOL:

Chris Stack 05-11-2010 07:19 AM

On the OP's situation: oddly enough, I didn't know my property line extends past the curb into the street. In fact, I'm sure it doesn't. As long as I follow the laws regarding parking, I could park my car in front of a house 5 blocks over if I so desire. Tell your windbag neighbor to shove it, that he doesn't own the street, and that if anything happens to your car you'll beat the shit out of him. And then, when he isn't looking, drop a big, steamy deuce on his hood. Seriously, #### him. Likely he's too much of a vagina to escalate if you man up to his face. And yeah, occasionally some POS will be parked in front of my house, but who cares?

As far as my neighbors, one side is okay, but he's got 3 daughters who are grown and married, and since they live far away, he thinks I'm his surrogate son-in-law who he gets to give life tips too. But the funny thing is, since I'm NOT his SIL, I don't have to listen. I get to say "thanks Jim, but I'm going to do this instead" a lot, and watch him stand there and stew. This is often in regards to how I take care of my lawn, what I do for landscaping, projects around the house, etc. "Hey, you should stack your firewood over there (far side of my property)" "Yeah, that would work, but instead I'm going to put it right here (next to my deck, visible to his house, and where it's convenient for ME.)" Don't like it? Oh well.

And on the other side, I don't see much of them, but their dog shits in my yard constantly (I've got a 5lb YorkiePoo, they have an 80lb Austrian Sheepherder. I can tell the difference in turds.) They've gotten asked a couple times nicely, now they get lard turd piles in the middle of their driveway when I find them. And one turd pile on the hood of their CR-V when my wife stepped in it and then flipped out a little.

wickerbill 05-11-2010 07:52 AM

I just want to kill my neighbor's dogs that stand in the back yard and bark almost non stop. Our lots back up to the neighborhood park with a pond and a walking trail going around it so they have people and dogs walking by all the time to give them reason to bark. The difference is when my dog starts barking, I go out and get her and bring her inside so she doesn't do it any more. She has learned not to bark as much. The other dipshits don't do anything and just leave their dogs outside barking for hours on end. I have the schnauzer and boston terrier next door scared of me though so I can get them to stop for a minute or two and then they come right back out the doggy door and start barking at the air again.

mxt_77 05-11-2010 08:29 AM

^ If it bothers you that much, file a noise/public nuisance complaint. It is illegal in most cities to allow your dog to bark incessantly like that.

Chris Stack 05-11-2010 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by wickerbill,May 11 2010, 10:52 AM
I just want to kill my neighbor's dogs that stand in the back yard and bark almost non stop.

No, you want to kill your neighbor. It's not the dog's fault. My neighbors dog that shits in my yard is the nicest animal, and I constantly have to remind my wife it's not the dogs fault he's owned by land monster retards. Although I have shot him with the hose when he started to shit in my yard.

pmptx 05-11-2010 09:58 AM

Originally Posted by wickerbill,May 11 2010, 10:52 AM
I just want to kill my neighbor's dogs that stand in the back yard and bark almost non stop. Our lots back up to the neighborhood park with a pond and a walking trail going around it so they have people and dogs walking by all the time to give them reason to bark. The difference is when my dog starts barking, I go out and get her and bring her inside so she doesn't do it any more. She has learned not to bark as much. The other dipshits don't do anything and just leave their dogs outside barking for hours on end. I have the schnauzer and boston terrier next door scared of me though so I can get them to stop for a minute or two and then they come right back out the doggy door and start barking at the air again.

That is the neighbors you need to kill not the dogs.

My neighbor is a complete ass. Drainage issue from a 12" pipe he has coming through a berm on his property that extends just shy of the propertyline. I added an 8' pipe to it to bring it beyond my fencline so my posts weren't uprooted. He called the cops for trespassing.
Result-Nothing other than we had a lawyer mention that his fence is on our property and he may want to chill out.

The topper he is the Stste director for MUFON. Work safe.
MUFON site
My neighbor the State Director

This Halloween the kids are going to his place and wearing foil hats and antennae.

Kyushin 05-11-2010 10:15 AM

I know many legal ways to take care of an annoying dog, just ask!

MikeyCB 05-11-2010 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Kyushin,May 11 2010, 12:15 PM
I know many legal ways to take care of an annoying dog, just ask!

I ask! :)

Penforhire 05-11-2010 12:18 PM

My current neighbor started feeding stray cats. So for a while we have about five semi-feral cats fighting and howling in the wee hours, pissing on everything, and the like. Fortunately my OTHER neighbor got a cat trap and, over a few weeks, managed to solve that problem. The first neighbor got the message since they don't want their remaining outdoor cat scooped off and impounded. Yay!

When I was a kid we had a neighbor like the OP's. He drove an old Buick and thought the spot in front of his house was totally his, even though he always parked in his driveway and rarely had visitors. He got into it with my dad a few times if a friend would stop over. Wrong guy to mess with. We always had at least three junker cars in our long driveway and after that my dad took to parking one in front of his house, rotating them as necessary... 24/7. That miserable old dude never saw "his" spot again!

Angerman 05-11-2010 01:10 PM

I have low lifes next door to me and across the street from my gfs aswell. So I can never get past bad neighbors. At my gfs house, we are assigned 2 spots, 1 numbered and 1 unsigned (meaning anyone can park in it). But usually the unsigned spot infront of the house you usually call dibs on, thats what everyone does, and thats understandable if you have two cars. Across the street at the end a neighbor told my gf that we can park in his spot whenever we like, because he only has 1 car so he parks in his numbered. So we usually park in the unsigned. BUT, now the neighbor next to the gentleman parks in THAT spot AND takes up his numbered AND unsigned spot. His son comes and goes and he has a gf thats a fat pig so cant park in the side parking lot. So he decides its right to take up 4 ****** parking spaces. So usually while hes at work and my gf gets off before he gets home, she trys to take that spot and I try to take his unsigned, just to be an asshole sometimes.

You gotta fight back every once and awhile, if they are going to be asshats you gotta be an asshat as well.

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