Sad and Tire-ring – S2K’s Totaled in the snow

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Sad and Tire-ring - S2K's Totaled in the snow

Snow is on the ground in 49 of the 50 US states (Canada too) and portions of Europe have also experienced snowmageddon. Inclement conditions everywhere mean a change in the rules of engagement for when rubber meets the road. Those that refuse(d) to acknowledge this fact seem to be lamenting their luck on the S2000 talk forum that has seen a spike in wrecked S2000 threads and the agony of their owners.

Such threads are frequently posted with some trepidation on the part of the Original Posters who know they will get flamed. Responses on such threads range from the sympathetic to the full-on flames. At the news team it saddens us to read about these stories. We’d like to think that no one was critically injured as they lived to post the thread, but we can’t help but think of the owner that did not make it.

A common theme that runs through all the aforementioned threads is that people were driving on summer tires or on worn out tires.  On behalf of S2ki we  request you to get a set of snow tires or store your car for as long as snow and cold temperatures linger around. Without snow tires, the question of whether an incident will happen leans almost entirely in favor of one happening – it is but a matter of time.

Think about this, would you carry a knife to a gun fight. That’s a bit clichéd. Let me ask you this, would you go up a sheer cliff wall wearing your Nike Jordans or go deep-sea diving without a scuba set? If you answered yes, then we’d love to submit your name as S2ki’s nomination for the Darwin Awards.

It all boils down to chemistry and tire rubber compounds. If you’ve watched racing (other than NASCAR) then you will realize that on a sunny day the cars go faster as they get heat into their tires and bring them up to the temperatures where they deliver the most grip.  You will also have seen race cars switch to intermediate or full wet tires in the rain, because the dry compound tires lack the tread depth and compound to run optimally in the colder, rainy conditions. Your S2000 is no different from a race car. It calls for complete owner involvement and proper seasonal strategy to get the most out of driving the car. The S-02’s or other summer rubber you have will have hardened up and there is no way you can work them up to optimal temperature when the ground temperature itself is below zero. In such conditions the tires that will save you embarrassment, your car and possibly your life are dedicated snows.

Some of you may pooh-pooh buying snow tires as you may feel your skills are adequate to overcome the laws of physics. We hope they are, as we would not want to read about you and your wrecked S2000 on S2000 talk for what would be the cost of the average insurance deductible.

Stay warm dear friends and drive safe.
–    Your friends from the news team

Image courtesy of NikosX

NOTE: S2KI welcomes the opinions of its members on the S2000 and on all topics related to the S. Should you feel the creative urge to pen a few words then by all means do so and PM Energetic, Aashish2, Onehots2k OR s2kpwned OR send us links to what you would like us to write about and we will feature you (or your community) on the S2KI Home Page.

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