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-   -   It was all going so well... (https://www.s2ki.com/forums/muppets-108/all-going-so-well-1132686/)

AndyNFRS2k 08-27-2015 04:45 AM

It was all going so well...
Towards the end of last year and into the early part of this year, a neighbour living a few doors down caught my attention. Very pretty and just my type. I remember last year she always waved when we passed each other driving in/out the street, and she'd always smile at me when I got the S out the garage or saw me driving it in/out the street with the roof down. Didn't really give it much thought at the time, until I saw her one day towards the latter part of last year and thought, wow! :eek3:

So, this is going to sound dodgy, but bear with me, I started leaving post-it notes on her car with little messages, little clues as to who leaving them.

After a few weeks, I left my email address in a small card, and a few days later she emailed me. We exchanged a few emails and she eventually figured out who I was. Basically she said she appreciated the gesture and efforts I'd gone to, but is seeing someone, so it wouldn't be fair. Fair enough I thought, and it was all left on a friendly note.

So at the start of this summer, I started seeing her out and about in the street more, after not seeing her for ages, so I wanted to be sure that if we were to ever bump into each other (her car is parked very close to mine) that it wasn't going to be awkward.

So accidentally on purpose ;) I went out one day the same time as her. We exchanged the usual "hi, how are you" and it was all very friendly - no awkwardness. So that was good.

So for a few weeks we kept bumping into each other and started chatting more and more, and more often than not, she was the one coming up to me and saying hi and keeping me chatting. No problem, I thought, will have more of that! :thumbup:

So I sent her an email basically saying that I know she's seeing someone, but wondered as she's around a bit more now, whether she'd like to do something over the summer, just as friends. I suggested going out for a drink/coffee/bite to eat, going for a drive in my car (as she always seemed to smile when she saw it), hanging out round one anothers houses, helping me supervise my chinchilla (she said she liked animals), or if she wasn't comfortable with any of that, just going for a walk around the village.

I didn't get a reply, and to be honest, didn't expect to. Until... a few weeks passed by, and I got a reply. The first thing she said was that she was not ignoring me (she repeated this several times in the same email, twice in capital letters). The second thing she said was that she wasn't seeing someone anymore. Which I guessed was why I was seeing her about more. She said that my suggestions sounded really nice and that she'll let me know when she's free. Result! :argh:

And to top it off, she asked for my help with her car, as she was having a few problems with it, because I know more about cars than she does. So I said that's fine, but what makes her think I know about cars? She said, and I quote: "because you have that shiny red car in that garage!" On cloud nine doesn't cut it :D

A week or so later, I was free or an hour or so and saw that she was in, so popped round to ask if she wanted me to take a quick look at her car. Her friend answered the door and she said they were getting ready to go out. But no sooner had I got back in, she'd emailed me to apologise for not answering the door, but she was getting ready. Then she asked for my number so she could text me, and then she asked if my chinchilla bites as she'd like to come round and meet him.

So I emailed her back with my number and stuff, and she text me almost straightaway to give me her number :D

So I said to myself that I wasn't going to text her, as I knew she said she'd let me know when she was free. All was well in my world. We kept passing each other in the street and she always greeted me with a nice smile, and sometimes with a cute little wave :hello:

But last week (about a week since I got her number), I couldn't resist the urge, so I text her asking if she wanted to pop round for an hour or so. I instantly regretted it - one of those texts where you just press 'send' and then wish you hadn't. But she replied minutes later saying that she would love to, but couldn't that night, but could next week (ie. this week) as she wasn't at work as much and she'd have plenty of free time. So we exchanged a few texts and agreed for her to pop over one night this week. So I text her on Sunday night, not making sure she was still coming round as I knew she was, but just to chat and stuff. We exchanged loads of texts, she was telling me more about her and asking about me and stuff, we were making each other laugh, lots of smiley face emoticons from her, so she sounded keen enough. It was all good :)

So I text her on Monday night, as I wanted to know if she still coming over one evening, but didn't ask her that straightaway as didn't want it to look like I just wanted to know that if you know what I mean. She text back long after I'd gone to bed and fell asleep (usually she replied within 5 mintues or so), and it was a short and simple reply. So I sent her a nice text the following morning, apologising for not texting back and explained that I'd gone to bed and was asleep, and said that I bet she was glad of some time off this week (as she said in her text that she was very tired after working a lot lately). Which I guess was indirectly asking what I wanted to ask, about if she was still coming round.

I didn't get a reply. But that's ok I thought, she'll text me when she's thinking of coming over.

Tuesday night she was in all evening, as I was I, and I heard nothing :ponder: But that's ok, it was only Tuesday.

Then on my way home from work yesterday, as I turned into my street, I passed this guy in a Corsa driving like an absolute ****. So I looked at him (as you do) and as I did, noticed that he had a very attractive girl in the passenger seat. So I looked at her, and...well, I think you can guess who it was...

Now again, this is going to sound dodgy, but bear with me - I can see her house from my house and her bedroom curtains are always closed at night, naturally. When I got up this morning and went to work, then were still open. So... you can imagine how I felt :brokehrt:

I know there's nothing I can do. I've done nothing wrong, my conscience is clear, I left it on a nice neutral note. It just annoys me when she was so keen, giving me all the right signals, for her to do this :sad:

Gutted is not the word... I'm feeling all sorts of emotions at the moment, which I know will pass with time. But it's not going to help when I see pass her in the street.

Been tempted to do all sorts of things... send nasty texts, do something to her car, or something. But I know this is all in haste, it's not a good idea, and it's not me to do that kind of thing. Just stupid thoughts that quickly enter, but then quickly exit my head.

I'm not going to do anything, just take it as (another one of) life's knocks and get on it with it :thumbup:

Heinz '57 08-27-2015 04:52 AM

:popcorn: Pass the popcorn :LOL:

lower 08-27-2015 04:54 AM

Originally Posted by AndyNFRS2k (Post 23728156)
...... Just stupid thoughts that quickly enter, but then quickly exit my head.

Posting this in this forum might be one of those......

Heinz '57 08-27-2015 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by lower (Post 23728170)

Originally Posted by AndyNFRS2k' timestamp='1440679559' post='23728156
...... Just stupid thoughts that quickly enter, but then quickly exit my head.

Posting this in this forum might be one of those......

Nah, lots of sympathy and advice to the lovelorn on here. Famous for it!

Shiskine 08-27-2015 05:03 AM

To save me reading all that, can someone just tell me if any of the participants get their kit off ?


Heinz '57 08-27-2015 05:06 AM

It seems as if one of them did........but not with the OP. :angry:

k3vin 08-27-2015 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Shiskine (Post 23728184)
To save me reading all that, can someone just tell me if any of the participants get their kit off ?


She does, he doesn't.

Play the long game. If Corsa is a knob it won't last long (unless she likes a bit of knob).

j8mie 08-27-2015 05:28 AM

Been there done that, bought the t-shirt, rented the DVD and subscribed to the e-mail newsletter.

Move on, forget about her and find someone else. You can so easily waste weeks, months and possibility even years waiting for something to happen. Maybe if she saw you with someone else she might come knocking, but don't hold your breath.

eSeM 08-27-2015 05:34 AM

If she had been interested she wouldn't have said next week ...

And ... https://www.s2ki.com/forums/index.ph...age&img=173319


cheshire_carper 08-27-2015 05:43 AM

Pics required of the following:

1. The bird
2. The Corsa
3. An example post it note
4. The curtains, closed
5. The curtains, opened
6. Your chinchilla

AndyNFRS2k 08-27-2015 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by eSeM (Post 23728213)
If she had been interested she wouldn't have said next week ...

And ... https://www.s2ki.com/forums/index.ph...age&img=173319


She also works part time in a fish and chip shop so said she smells of a chip pan, hence reluctant to come round.

Not very attractive so I didn't argue :p

See why I'm single? :rolleyes:

cheshire_carper 08-27-2015 05:52 AM

7. Picture of chip shop

AndyNFRS2k 08-27-2015 05:52 AM

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper (Post 23728234)
Pics required of the following:

1. The bird
2. The Corsa
3. An example post it note
4. The curtains, closed
5. The curtains, opened
6. Your chinchilla

Been that long since I put photos on here, I'd have to figure it all out again (useless with tech) :rolleyes:

1. Only pics I have of her are on her FB page - not sure how I'd transfer them onto here.
2. I can take a pic of her Corsa, but not the ****'s Corsa, unless I see it again.
3. No problem
4. No problem
5. No problem
6. Loads of those - will sort :thumbup:

AndyNFRS2k 08-27-2015 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper (Post 23728245)
7. Picture of chip shop

Means travelling to the other end of town, but do-able.

k3vin 08-27-2015 06:00 AM

Do they both own Corsas? Maybe there's your way in?

cheshire_carper 08-27-2015 06:05 AM

Excellent thread and op attitude. Facebook link for bird please. This thread (hopefully like your quarry) has legs. Fb link required

k3vin 08-27-2015 06:08 AM

What was the first guy like? Any pics (so we can see what guys she goes for)?

Heinz '57 08-27-2015 06:13 AM


He drives a Corsa ffs!

lower 08-27-2015 06:23 AM

Originally Posted by AndyNFRS2k (Post 23728241)
She also works part time in a fish and chip shop so said she smells of a chip pan, hence reluctant to come round.

I've never seen a slim bird that works in a chip shop.

You must like the chubbers.

k3vin 08-27-2015 06:29 AM

Skin care can be an issue too.

lower 08-27-2015 06:33 AM

Does she have more tattoos than teeth?

AndyNFRS2k 08-27-2015 06:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Picture of 6. My chinchilla

gaddafi 08-27-2015 06:42 AM

Post removed. I don't post in here.

CynicG 08-27-2015 07:07 AM

This should be on mumsnet....

But I doubt they'd give you the true response I will:

1. Women will manipulate you anyway possible to get what they want. Like for you to fix her car.
2. Women like to feel wanted/desired, so any attention is good, even if they don't want to recipicate
3. You sound desparate / should would ahve smelt it
4. The Post-It actions would be submissable as evidence of stalking in court

mikefifth 08-27-2015 07:29 AM

Buy some flowers and a box of chocolates, take it round to hers, when she invites you in for a drink simply give her a good fisting. :tipwink:

On a serious note, maybe disregard this venture as it can become awkward dating those who live nearby.

cheshire_carper 08-27-2015 07:30 AM

Loving the chinchilla. Other pics and Facebook link please.

richmc 08-27-2015 07:50 AM

FFS she's doing what that kind of bitch doe's best, USING YOU.

If she ever comes on to you again, do the right thing. Tell her to f@#k off.

Nick Graves 08-27-2015 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper (Post 23728234)
Pics required of the following:

1. The bird
2. The Corsa
3. An example post it note
4. The curtains, closed
5. The curtains, opened
6. Her chinchilla


Ultra_Nexus 08-27-2015 08:21 AM

Bloke in Corsa could be her brother. She could have been staying at her parents house.

Enough is enough though. Ball is in her court and if she doesn't want to return it, that's that.

Fatbloke 08-27-2015 08:22 AM

Time for some Love Dr Fatbloke counselling;

Don't be such a gaylord. Man up you big jessie fart.

Give the chinchilla a good seeing to and move on.

Better now?

arsie 08-27-2015 08:46 AM

Lose the chinchilla. Not a man's dog, more for a woman's handbag. Better still lend her the dog then you can enjoy the smells that come back depending what she keeps in her handbag. Perhaps used condoms with Corsa boy's seed in - that would be the jackpot (pun carefully contrived :))

MattyH 08-27-2015 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by Heinz '57 (Post 23728282)

is that quentin tarantino?

Fatbloke 08-27-2015 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by arsie
Lose the chinchilla. Not a man's dog, more for a woman's handbag. Better still lend her the dog then you can enjoy the smells that come back depending what she keeps in her handbag. Perhaps used condoms with Corsa boy's seed in - that would be the jackpot (pun carefully contrived <img src=/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />' />)

Condom = jackpot appears to be the pun, but chinchilla being a dog is equally hilarious. Which one were you going for, Arse?

arsie 08-27-2015 10:58 AM

The dog obviously. No man can be seen with a handbag dog. Or someone else's hand job. Hmmmm :scratch:

S2K-Phil 08-27-2015 11:39 AM

He was driving a corsa FFS, of course he's a knob head. I should know, I've been driving one for the past week :LOL:

Fatbloke 08-27-2015 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by arsie
The dog obviously. No man can be seen with a handbag dog. Or someone else's hand job. Hmmmm <img src=/IMG_2865.GIF' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':scratch:' />' />

Right then, just to be clear, the 'pun' is that a chinchilla is a dog, not a rodent? It's not that a condom is a jackpot, i.e. a pot to jack off into, or indeed to e-jack-ulate into?

richmc 08-27-2015 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by Fatbloke (Post 23728757)
Right then, just to be clear, the 'pun' is that a chinchilla is a dog, not a rodent?

That is a matter of opinion, anything that small on a lead has to have an identity crisis, and will always be a rat in my eyes. If you want a dog get a bloody dog, not a rat on a string.

CynicG 08-27-2015 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper (Post 23728234)
Pics required of the following:

1. The bird
2. The Corsa
3. An example post it note
4. The curtains, closed
5. The curtains, opened
6. Your chinchilla

For the record, I am still laughing at this 8 hours on. Its in my top 5 forum posts of all time. https://www.s2ki.com/s2000/public/st...efault/bow.gif

Fatbloke 08-27-2015 02:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)

kw_21 08-27-2015 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by CynicG (Post 23728856)

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper' timestamp='1440683025' post='23728234
Pics required of the following:

1. The bird
2. The Corsa
3. An example post it note
4. The curtains, closed
5. The curtains, opened
6. Your chinchilla

For the record, I am still laughing at this 8 hours on. Its in my top 5 forum posts of all time. https://www.s2ki.com/s2000/public/st...efault/bow.gif

I thought that was good but this was brilliant.

Originally Posted by cheshire_carper (Post 23728245)
7. Picture of chip shop

kw_21 08-27-2015 02:36 PM

Where's Japcrap to ask how old the OP is?

I'm guessing not that old and she isn't either. She's no doubt still in that looking for bastard phase and you're, well, you're a chinchilla owner....

richmc 08-27-2015 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by Fatbloke (Post 23728920)

Sorry thought you meant Chihuahua.

AndyNFRS2k 08-28-2015 12:17 AM

3 Attachment(s)
4. The curtains, closed.
5. The curtains, open.
2. Her Corsa, not his.

Aren't I good to you lot? :p

AndyNFRS2k 08-28-2015 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by Ultra_Nexus (Post 23728485)
Bloke in Corsa could be her brother. She could have been staying at her parents house.

Enough is enough though. Ball is in her court and if she doesn't want to return it, that's that.

Nope, she still lives with her parents, as does her younger brother, so I know it wasn't him.

Yep, that's exactly my attitude atm :thumbup:

Fatbloke 08-28-2015 12:44 AM

Andy - I feel your pain. I've been trying reel in the old lady next door. She was widowed last year and so now 'on the market', so I figured there was scope to swoop in and swipe the inheritance from under the kids' noses if I could get in the will.

Lately though, there's been a mystery honda jazz on the drive way and some old geezer trimming her privet.

Any tips for what to write on my post-it notes to win her back?

andy2000 08-28-2015 12:58 AM

FB. I can see you have a very sympathetic manner. Can you set up a "FB Agony aunt" thread so we can offload all our emotional issues on you ?

Fatbloke 08-28-2015 01:04 AM

Yes, yes I can Andy.

AndyNFRS2k 08-28-2015 01:07 AM

Thanks for the "sympathy" guys...knew I could rely on you lot :p

andy2000 08-28-2015 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by AndyNFRS2k (Post 23729277)
Thanks for the "sympathy" guys...knew I could rely on you lot :p

Think we've all been there Andy... :brokehrt: We mock because its the only way we know how to deal with it.

A few years down the line you'll be married to a hot oriental nymphomanic and you'll forget about this one. :LOL:

S2K-Phil 08-28-2015 02:33 AM

Originally Posted by Fatbloke (Post 23729266)
Andy - I feel your pain. I've been trying reel in the old lady next door. She was widowed last year and so now 'on the market', so I figured there was scope to swoop in and swipe the inheritance from under the kids' noses if I could get in the will.

Lately though, there's been a mystery honda jazz on the drive way and some old geezer trimming her privet.

Any tips for what to write on my post-it notes to win her back?

I'll trim your privet private hedge and can weed around your borders?
you can come in my S2000 anytime you feel like a bit of excitement?

minvo 08-28-2015 02:38 AM

OK guys. Picture this...

A year passes and the OP and Miss Chippy meet again.
Eyes meet in gaze.
Love at last.
The relationship is a great one.
She moves in.
She loves the car.
She joins the forum.
Relationship now over!


S2K-Phil 08-28-2015 02:45 AM

OK guys. Picture this...

A year passes and the OP and Miss Chippy meet again.
Eyes meet in gaze.
Love at last.
The relationship is a great one.
She moves in.
She loves the car.
She joins the forum.
Relationship now over!
But, she was so impressed with the comments made by Nick Graves
She took up photography
She now has her own 'The girl next door' website.

andy2000 08-28-2015 03:33 AM

I like Phil's version best.
OP - can you let us have her mobile number so we can send her a link. That way we can speed up the process.

Bundle of Mayhem 08-28-2015 04:02 AM

She's not interested. Move on


Okay, being slightly more serious. I'm female. If after all this time we hadn't slept together, it ain't happening. Plenty of chances, even if it was a completely made up reason for coming round to your house, it would have happened by now.

Laserlady 08-28-2015 04:06 AM

Like what she said.

However much she might be interested the guy with the Corsa obviously has her attention now, for whatever reason. Any which way she likes a guy with a Corsa so console yourself with the fact that she obviously has no taste and roll on to the next challenge

Fatbloke 08-28-2015 05:12 AM

Trust women to turn up and go all serious about it :(

Laserlady 08-28-2015 05:46 AM

Alright, don't get your kickers in a twist Fatty. But well.. a corsa, the woman has no taste!

Laserlady 08-28-2015 05:46 AM

Either that or no standards, entirely different I suppose

S2K-Phil 08-28-2015 06:19 AM

I like a woman with no standards :LOL:

richmc 08-28-2015 07:37 AM

If blokes with big flash sports cars are compensating for small dicks, maybe the opposite is true for blokes who drive Corsas. :scratch: :shrug:

CynicG 08-28-2015 10:37 AM

Originally Posted by richmc (Post 23729596)
If blokes with big flash sports cars are compensating for small dicks, maybe the opposite is true for blokes who drive Corsas. :scratch: :shrug:

Bang on. I've noticed Corsa drivers are always massive dicks

Polemicist 08-29-2015 01:40 AM

With a bit of work, this thread could be a scene from an episode of The League of Gentlemen...

... and in my mind's eye, the OP is Mickey-Lad.


S2K-Phil 08-29-2015 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by Polemicist (Post 23730312)
With a bit of work, this thread could be a scene from an episode of The League of Gentlemen...

... and in my mind's eye, the OP is Mickey-Lad.


Hey, there aint no gentlemen of this thread!


Fatbloke 08-29-2015 07:21 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Is this a local thread?

earl's_f20c 08-29-2015 08:36 AM

If the OP isnt the worlds best troll then this is a very scary story, with even scarier woman hating replies!

What kind of weird twisted reality do some of you live in?

She owes him nada, get a fcukin grip!

Fatbloke 08-29-2015 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by earl's_f20c
If the OP isnt the worlds best troll then this is a very scary story, with even scarier woman hating replies! What kind of weird twisted reality do some of you live in? She owes him nada, get a fcukin grip!

I'm with Earl on this one.

CynicG 08-29-2015 11:41 AM

I wouldn't say there was misogynistic comments on here, apart from the posts about not trusting women.

Fatbloke 08-29-2015 12:35 PM

Haven't read enough of the posts to comment on the misogyny, it was the getting a grip I was agreeing with.

If OP is that distraught after the end of a relationship that consisted of unrequited leaving post-it notes on a car window, I hate to think how he would deal with true emotional stress, like a budgie dying, or his cat being adopted by the neighbours etc.

Rickard1982 08-29-2015 12:57 PM

I think this is a case for Jeremy Kyle

earl's_f20c 08-29-2015 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by Ultra_Nexus (Post 23728485)
Bloke in Corsa could be her brother. She could have been staying at her parents house.

Enough is enough though. Ball is in her court and if she doesn't want to return it, that's that.

That's even worse then - now it's incest!!

MSC 08-29-2015 02:09 PM

Coming soon on Channel 5 new series of THE NIGHTMARE NEIGHBOUR NEXT DOOR.

Episode 1 'The post it note pest'

*Woman in tears* "he just kept harassing me, putting notes on my car with drawings of his scrotum, he used to take pictures of my bedroom window. Whenever I popped out he was there demanding my number, even banging on the door upsetting my friends while we got ready to go out. I was so frightened"

"I even had to stay away some nights at my brothers house who picked me up in his Corsa so my stalker would see my car at home and not realise i wasn't there."

"I felt so imitated and degraded when he would drive past me in his mazda red sport car and leer at me and say rude things, demanding i come over, texting me, hanging around my work place, licking his lips while i served chips. i felt so alone and frightened by this man"

"one day he corned me as i tried to get in my car, i was shaking so much i couldn't unlock my door, i dropped my keys and looked up, he was just stood there with this creepy grin on his face. he asked me to go for a walk, or if id like to come into his house and finger his chinchilla"

AFTER THE BREAK 'the post it note pest' breaks his silence. " I'm heartbroken! she said she wanted me! her eyes said YES TAKE ME, I'm not a weirdo I'm not I'm not I'm not!! https://www.s2ki.com/s2000/public/st...fault/argh.gif"

CynicG 08-30-2015 12:44 AM

Lol - red Mazda

mattlad 08-30-2015 03:51 AM

Originally Posted by k3vin (Post 23728199)

Originally Posted by Shiskine' timestamp='1440680619' post='23728184
To save me reading all that, can someone just tell me if any of the participants get their kit off ?


She does, he doesn't.

Play the long game. If Corsa is a knob it won't last long (unless she likes a bit of knob).

Does Corsa man know the difference between being a knob and having a knob?

s2k_Nut 08-30-2015 12:47 PM

https://www.s2ki.com/s2000/public/st...efault/cry.gif with laughter here, what a thread!

AlexGJ248 08-31-2015 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by MSC
Coming soon on Channel 5 new series of THE NIGHTMARE NEIGHBOUR NEXT DOOR. Episode 1 'The post it note pest' *Woman in tears* "he just kept harassing me, putting notes on my car with drawings of his scrotum, he used to take pictures of my bedroom window. Whenever I popped out he was there demanding my number, even banging on the door upsetting my friends while we got ready to go out. I was so frightened" "I even had to stay away some nights at my brothers house who picked me up in his Corsa so my stalker would see my car at home and not realise i wasn't there." "I felt so imitated and degraded when he would drive past me in his mazda red sport car and leer at me and say rude things, demanding i come over, texting me, hanging around my work place, licking his lips while i served chips. i felt so alone and frightened by this man" "one day he corned me as i tried to get in my car, i was shaking so much i couldn't unlock my door, i dropped my keys and looked up, he was just stood there with this creepy grin on his face. he asked me to go for a walk, or if id like to come into his house and finger his chinchilla" AFTER THE BREAK 'the post it note pest' breaks his silence. " I'm heartbroken! she said she wanted me! her eyes said YES TAKE ME, I'm not a weirdo I'm not I'm not I'm not!! "

Pure gold! :D

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