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ImportSport 01-22-2005 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by DC_AP1,Jan 22 2005, 01:50 PM
Hmmm, I wonder how much this website is worth since you came up with the idea that you wanna buy it?


FIZZ-AP1 01-22-2005 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by DC_AP1,Jan 22 2005, 02:50 PM
Hmmm, I wonder how much this website is worth since you came up with the idea that you wanna buy it?

haha...you beat me to it

DC_AP1 01-22-2005 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by FIZZ-AP1,Jan 22 2005, 12:24 PM
haha...you beat me to it


Warren J. Dew 01-22-2005 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by honda606,Jan 22 2005, 10:46 AM
Mow a lot of yards?

Seriously bro you should consider something else for a first car. This particular RWD car is going to bite you in the ass....HARD. It is one of the last RWD cars I would recommend to someone that was just starting out with RWD for the first time. It's 50/50 balance and suspension setup are extremely unforgiving to not-so experienced drivers.

Agree about the mowing (or otherwise working for money).

So he can buy an older, high mileage one for a few thousand, and if he crashes it as part of the learning experience, it won't be so painful.

It used to be that 50/50 weight distribution was considered ideal ... and all cars were rear wheel drive, not to mention manual. I think it's the lack of front wheel caster that makes the S2000 particularly sensitive.

Shadow_S2K 01-22-2005 04:17 PM

I'd get your parents to buy it for you. Your still young and working your ass off to buy a car isn't worth it. Hum...age shoudn't matter, instead it is the maturity level of the individual. Ya...we can generalize here that younger kids prolly don't have the experience it needs to handle the car, but neither can some adults? Either way, I woudn't settle for a Miata, get the S2000 all the way. Good luck

bahula03 01-22-2005 05:18 PM

-you will be LUCKY to find a company that will insure you out of the gate with an S, and if a company does offer you insurance, they will charge an arm and a leg

-a performance driving school is a must. no matter how a good a driver is, there will always be someone better and you would be wise to learn from them

-if your heart is set on the S, then go for it. I will say that starting off with a miata or 240 would be a much better idea. Also, be sure to find a balance between working towards the car and your education.

Warpinoy 01-22-2005 05:33 PM

Originally Posted by KrapNiknil206,Jan 22 2005, 10:31 AM
Hi. This is my first time posting, but I've read many posts on S2Ki. I am a 14 year old male and I would like to buy a S2Ki as a 16 year old. What should I do to make sure that I get a S2000?

Thank you.

S2000 is way too much for a 16 yr old first time driver, and yet very expensive.

first time driver..first time car.. this is perfect.

chow for now

MattG 01-22-2005 05:46 PM

Assume you do manage to find the money to buy a car in good condition. If it is from a dealer you would have to try and find a dealer that will take you seriously for a start, and you can probaly forget about that test drive.
You then have to find insurance to cover you, it is going to be high as you have no driving history. The on going costs such as tires and servicing. Not to mention all the scratches and dings etc you are going to face driving that to school/college.
Just remember if you do happen to get in an accident and have to claim, it will affect future premiums also.

What should you do to make sure you get one? Go down to Toys'R'us and buy yourself an s2000 transformer because that is about the most you'll be able to afford.

triumph87 01-22-2005 06:01 PM

The most important thing with a young drive and a s2000 is self control. You have nothing to prove so don't race your friends. save up because the insurance is very expensive and so are tires.. even cheap ones and they wear out quick. Depends where you live and the school you go to.I have no problems in my school because there are much nicer cars in my school then my s2k no problems so far(knock on wood)I have m3, 330,g35,range rovers.... in my school. Go for just be responsible and think about your actions and their consequences.

Shadow_S2K 01-22-2005 06:25 PM

Is insurance that hard to find? Since he would be 16 he can be added onto his parents insurance plan. AAA insures young drivers that are added onto their parents plan for a very cheap and good price (with proof of a full time student and 3.0 gpa). So...it won't be that bad finding insure, not sure about other states or companies though.

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