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Hit & Run on the S.....TWICE in 1 afternoon!

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Old 11-26-2010, 07:59 AM
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It's an offence to leave the scene of an accident and not report it within 24hrs.

The woman at our Hull office clearly wasn't going to report as she went as far to come into work the next day in a different vehicle.

You are well within your rights to report her, whether or not they do anything is something else.

With regards to the Punto that might be slightly different as you caught up with her (whilst driving safely and within the speed limits) and you came to an arrangement that was acceptable to both of you.
Old 11-26-2010, 08:02 AM
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Yeah it is just the stress and ringing people and just general waste of time etc etc.....

I have had hassle like this with parking tickets before, having to ring CCTV companys to prove I was not parked as longas they said I was etc etc

Won on every occassion and have never had an apology off anyone

Think I should start my own vigilanty group ;-o
Old 11-26-2010, 09:16 AM
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You did well to catch up with both of them mate

U into Bathing Ape too ?
Old 11-26-2010, 09:22 AM
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Originally Posted by Mason_ite,Nov 26 2010, 03:18 PM
Right then here goes.....

The other day I was at work and had a phone call from the receptionist downstairs. It was Julie, she informed me to get my butt downstairs pronto, thought (shit what have I done). I get downstairs to see a few people looking at my car and a couple of cxolleagues looking down the street. A ll they could tell me it looked like a bluie mazda...of some sort!!Worse fears come alive...YES, I have been reversed into and the culprate had sped off!...GUTTED!! Dinted and scratched the front drivers wing!

I then spent the rest of the afternoon sulking like a child contemplating having to foot the bill. I then set off for home at 5 on the dot. Sat in traffic on the way home listening to some somber radiohead tracks and the car in front of me whips its left indicator on, obviously trying to mussle out and get into the faster lane. Instaed of waiting for the traffic to move up the cars reverse lights come on and without thinking reverses straight into the front of me, AND AGAIN drives off!!!!

By this point red mist comes flushing over me and I am fishtailing down the road after the crappy punto flashing and bibbing. The car then takes a sharp right, NOT indicating and continues. Living close by I know this street has a 30 speed camera on it so it turns into a pathetic chase like th eone in the Ali G film when they are in the Renault 5 Turbo's.....right so we are through the camera and I fly past the Punto and slam my anchors on in front and it comes to a halt. I then jump out absolutley livid grab the door open it to find this little girl crying and screaming saying please don't kill me!!!!!

Basically after talking to her, wondering why she drove off fleeing the scene of an accident, she explains she has only had her lisence 2 days and just got scared and drove off. A quick look over at the car sees a cracked number plate and a scratch on the splitter. Made her go to the bank give me 50 quid and she would never see me again. WHAT A DAY!!

Back at work the next day I spend half my time trying to track the other culprate down who left the dint and scratch. CCTV, knocking on doors around the industrial estate and boom got her, been using her husbands car since the accident to try and get away with it. She then reckons i was parked to close to her car and i should pay half the damage. Take a look at the pics and ask yourself whether you could get out of the space she was parked in. I then phoned the police saying she wouldnt pay and yesterday had the news that she had to pay or she would have to go to court.

Today my car has gone in for repairs and am getting my front splitter re sprayed and a few stone chips repaired aswell. I guess there is a silver lining to every cloud but what a hassle!

Moral of the story is next time you crash into a car don't do it where speed and CCTV cameras are!!

Take a look at the pics....I mean how do you manage to hit a car with that much space to back out of???
Just a little hint for you - lock this thread and ask for it to be removed.

Have faith in me when I say it is ultimately for your own good.
Old 11-26-2010, 10:23 AM

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Result here but, a little editing may be good idea, you never know who's reading.
Old 11-26-2010, 12:24 PM
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One thing that ticks me off is that there is not enough punishment of people breaking the law. When I used to live in New York if you ran away from an accident, even if there was no real damage, you were going to jail if caught. I would take it further and support public flogging or the stocks for people who cause property loss/damage and then take off, especially if they then change their normal rutine in order to escape detection.

That type of action is reprehensible. What would this twunt have done if they hit a person instead of a car? Run off as well?

Sorry for the rant, but this really gets my goat. 'Normally responsible' people who try to dodge at the first sign of doing something wrong....

Old 11-27-2010, 03:50 AM

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Is that pic just off livingstone road? if so I saw your car on Wednesday morning.
Old 11-28-2010, 08:12 AM
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Yeah I work on livinsgrtone road Earth worm Jim, theres another silverstone in the same business park but dont think he is a s2ki member
Old 11-28-2010, 08:26 AM

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Yeah I saw it, yours looks better
Old 11-28-2010, 09:16 AM
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When I was learning to navigate I remember our tutor talking to us about boat handling and telling us to consider which way components of the rigging etc. would fly if they failed and to position ourselves accordingly.

Your post made me think of that Masonite. I would imagine that you are quite young and have not yet developed the jaundiced view of the world that oldies like I have. I am afraid to say that, though you left ample room for the driver to reverse out of a designated parking space and avoid your car, it looks like yours was not in one? I would never park in such a position. People who park in a given position regularly can sometimes leave it on autopilot. There is no excuse for this but I have done it myself whilst reversing out of my garage, having forgotten that I have left a wheelbarrow in the way.

Of course there was no excuse for the driver who hit your car, she was not paying sufficient attention and it is reprehensible that she to tried to conceal the fact she was responsible, however it is much less likely that your car would have sustained damage if it had been parked in a proper parking space. I know that this is not always possible at busy times but imagine that in future you will think very carefully before leaving your S at the mercy of women reversing. I’m a bit rubbish myself.

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