Breaking News: President of J’s Racing Arrested in Hit-And-Run Incident

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Breaking News: President of J's Racing Arrested in Hit-And-Run Incident

Numerous blog posts are reporting on news that Junichi Umemoto, the President of J’s Racing was involved in a hit-and-run incident and is facing charges. In the absence of an official statement, only a few details are known.

The incident happened late at night on January 22, 2011 in Osaka. It is alleged that Umemoto fearing repercussions upon striking a pedestrian, tried to flee the scene and in the process may have caused serious injury to one of his colleagues that tried to prevent his leaving the scene. He stopped soon after and was arrested by the Police who are investigating the matter.

At this time there is no indication on whether alcohol may have been involved as a causal factor in the incident. As the investigation progresses we hope to report back to you on further developments.

J’s Racing is a premier tuning shop and have developed several performance parts for the Honda S2000 as well as other products. The company has not yet put out an official statement about the incident.


Image courtesy of MAD828. Tip of the hat to energetic for the link.

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