Dawn of Spring 2013

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We’re pleased to report that the Mid-Atlantic S2000 Community recently had a successful Spring Kick-off cruise to Ocean City.  mo19249 initiated this event six weeks in advance, resulting in forty-five attendees to establish one of the largest cruises on the east coast.  Members came from as far north as Canada and as far south as Virginia, meeting first at Starbucks in Columbia, Maryland and secondly off Exit 31 in Annapolis, Maryland en route to Ocean City.

Photo courtesy of Isaac Koduah

Photo courtesy of Isaac Koduah

They drove from Columbia, Maryland to a parking area under the Bay Bridge/Yacht Club parking (past Bay Bridge Exit 41) to allow cruise participants to gather, socialize and take pictures. After leaving that lot, at the midpoint on Route 50 East, they again reestablished at a community college parking lot to make sure they have all members before entering Ocean City as a group.



Maintaining radio contact and with incredible motion shots throughout the drive, they came to rest at Ocean City Inlet and enjoyed a beautiful day by the beach with spectacular view, amazing friends, and great food!  Each unique member shared insight on S2000s, personal happenings, and genuine friendship.



The Mid-Atlantic S2000 Community encourages and welcomes all of its amazing members, and thanks them for their great contributions; nothing would have been possible without them.  We look forward to hearing about numerous Mid-Atlanta cruises and charity events this year to give back to the community as a community.



For info on future Mid-Atlantic events and lots more coverage of this event, visit the Mid-Atlantic S2000 Owners subforum.


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