DIY Molding the iTouch into the Cup Holder Lid

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DIY Molding the iTouch into the Cup Holder Lid

Its really amazing to read every day in our forum a variety of great ideas and solutions. It looks like an S2000 AP2 owner surprised us again with his effort to easily accommodate an iTouch on his cup holder lid. Actually this is a common question raised by many S2000 owners. Why Honda did not consider a specific position in the cabin to accommodate similar devices. It is a sport roadster after all you may answer, but few touches count a lot in the end. We guess Honda did make the difference anyway by just producing the S2000, however after all these years and all those upgrades with the additional speakers which were included on later models we were certainly expecting such a… molding option. So lets go to the juice of the story and take a good read in this DIY solution. It is not as easy as it looks but it almost looks as much as OEM possible.

The iTouch is in place and the lid sliding mechanism still works as stock. We are talking about some series work here and we won’t be surprised if TheChazz comes back in the future with a new project. We certainly want to see more!

DIY Molding the iTouch into the Cup Holder Lid DIY Molding the iTouch into the Cup Holder Lid

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