Midnight Touge by Osnap

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Midnight Touge by Osnap

Editors Note: Osnap, an S2KI member sent this write-up to energetic our News Moderator. As energetic is out of town, I am posting this on his behalf. Enjoy!

The roar was deafening. Brilliant HID light bathed the pitch black world in a tell-tale white as he made his presence known. His knuckles were bleach white as they hugged the leather wheel, as if hanging on for dear life. The hair on his neck rose with a sort of inexplicable electricity as he eagerly ripped through the gears. Adrenaline rushed recklessly through his veins, throttling his heartbeat into an unparalleled state of rapid elation. The thunderous palpitations were a seamless metronome to the primal, voracious scream of the exhaust that served as a blissful soundtrack to his drive. The venerable F20C eagerly revved as if asking – – no, begging for more. He was merciless. His eyes were intently focused on the red-hot pavement, as the world around it melted away in a hazy blur.

7,000 RPM.

8,000 RPM.

9,000 RPM.

The motor did not let up as it propelled the car gracefully around the sharp corner, the rear end nearly forgetting to play catch-up with the front. It was bloodthirsty. He grinned and shifted down with a surgeon’s precision, instantly pinned helplessly to his seat as the exhaust howled in pleasure. The sweet aroma of burnt rubber teased his flared nostrils and left him wanting more. It wasn’t just him who wanted more – the car begged him to slam his eager right foot on the accelerator with no regard for the outside world… and he wasn’t about to disappoint.

If this wasn’t heaven, it was damn close.


Image courtesy of S2KI member HighwaystarRamon and V2lab.com

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