DIY Install of a European Fog Light

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One of the difference between US and EU S2000 models is the rear fog light. In Europe we’ve got them right in the bottom middle part of the rear bumper. For anyone who is interested and located in the US and want to add this fog light here follows a nice DIY by lawliver complete with photos. Actually there is not too much to tell, since the photos really describe everything you need to do. We would like to thank Oliver for sharing his write-up.

“I installed mine over the weekend and took some pics along the way in case anybody was interested. Reason I did it because i like the way it looks and can be helpful in heavy rain here in south Florida, also I don’t really like the way the ap2 bumper looks with a single which I plan on doing one day. Sorry for the cell phone pics. I made a WTB thread and a member here pm’d me with one. This is how I got it”.

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“I place it on the bumper to see what I had to work with since the brackets were bent”.

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“Next, I used a Dremel tool to remove the surface rust”.

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“All AP1 bumpers have the cut out for the EDM rear fog lamp”.

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“I started hacking away with the Dremel tool”.

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“Here you can see that is almost done”.

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“I used here some 409 to clean the light”.

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“Let’s do a test here”.

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“Before I mounted the light to the bumper I checked to make sure the bulb was still good”.

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“Here you are getting an idea of how it was going to look”.

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“The bumper is held by two 8mm bolts in the wheel well, 3 plastic clips under the trunk lid and two more under the bumper (not sure what brace an AP1 car has under)”.

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The AP1 bumper is shorter in height, if you look closely you can see two white brackets where my AP2 bumper used to clip on to. I plan on lowering the car soon and if the brackets are still noticeable I will spray them black”.

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“For the wiring all I did was splice the tag light and ran the wire to that and rapped it with electrical tape. So the lamp turns on whenever I turn my lights on”.

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Here is a night shot to see what it looks like”.

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S2000 Forums -> DIY Install of a European Fog Light

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